While in pursuit of academic excellence, there is no limit to what can be. African students who wish to study law want to know the best schools to study law in Africa in 2022.
As such, students travel from various parts of the continent to study. This is not because there are no good schools in their country, but is about the quality of education.
With global class and international recognition, there are good schools to study law in Africa in 2022. These schools have proven academic excellence as well as professional input to the world of law. With some of them even having affiliations with other foreign schools, their quality cannot be disregard.
This listing of the best schools to study law in Africa 2022 is based on a review from an LLM guide. It is also based on the reputation of their activities and graduating students. Consequently, while this list may not be precisely accurate, it is relatively close. Please note that this list is based on a www.xscholarship.com review.
Therefore, it is based upon our research and grading.
Below is a list of the best schools to study law in Africa 2022.
Best schools to study law in Africa 2022
University of South Africa (UniSA).
The University of South Africa college of Law is one of the best colleges to study law in Africa 2022.
The College of Law consists of the Schools of Law and Criminal Justice, the Institute for Dispute Resolution in Africa, and the Center for Basic Legal Education. It also plays home to the Center for Business Law, Center for Criminological Sciences, Center for Foreign and Comparative Law.
The college is one of the most enrolled in the university. Consequently, it produces a great number of graduates annually with high academic performance.
Calculating tuition at UNISA is by the number of courses and modules. This is done to assure ease of payment for students. Other miscellaneous fees can also be added to the total tuition to be paid.
However, it is advisable to visit the school’s tuition page to find out more.
University of Pretoria, South Africa.
Located in Gauteng, South Africa, the University of Pretoria makes the list.
The University of Pretoria Faculty of Law was established in 1908 and consists of five academic departments. It also has six centers, two law clinics, and its own publisher, the Pretoria University Law Press. Some of its departments are the department of Jurisprudence; Mercantile Law; Private Law; Procedural Law; Public Law; and Center for Human Rights.
The faculty offers undergraduate LLB degrees, postgraduate LLM, and LLD degrees as well as several continuing education courses. The faculty has been ranked as one of the bests in Africa.
At The University of Pretoria, tuition varies by faculty. Also, under faculties, tuition still varies by the department as well as program type. Very often, tuition is a total of all administrative as well as major academic fees. For the faculty of law, tuition per academic year is about $2500-$3500.
However, smaller dues may be inclusive, depending on departmental differences.
Visit www.up.ac.za/faculty-of-law to know more.
University of Nairobi, Kenya.
The School of Law at the University of Nairobi has distinguished itself as a hub for qualitative legal education. It has a strong foundation for training on basic legal concepts, legal advocacy as well as legal research. It is a center of excellence in research, scholarship, and teaching five thematic areas of law: Financial and Commercial Law; Democracy, Governance, and Law; Human Rights Law; Environmental Law; as well as International Law.
The school provides the best academic training available for law students in Kenya.
Like in many universities, tuition at the University of Kenya consists of 2 semesters. The tuition is a combination of fees for the two semesters plus every other major fee. Also, extra payments are common as this depends on the department of study.
With the government heavily subsidizing education, tuition at the University of Nairobi is about $200. However, this can still be higher depending on citizenship and program type.
Visit www.uonbi.ac.ke
The University of Western Cape.
The University of the Western Cape is a public university located in Cape Town, South Africa. The school is known to have had a history of creative struggle against oppression, discrimination, and disadvantage. The University has a total of over 22,000 students with over 3000 in its law faculty.
The Faculty consists of four departments: Criminal Justice and Procedure, Mercantile and Labor Law, Private Law, and Public Law and Jurisprudence. These departments have over the years proven to deliver qualitative education in law and its related programs.
Tuition for international students at the University of Western Cape law faculty is about $4000. This is a result of citizenship as the government has subsidized academic costs for locals. The tuition amount includes medical fees as well. Subsequently, charges particular to the department in the faculty may be inclusive as you process your admission.
Visit www.uwc.ac.za/Faculties/LAW/
Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
Stellenbosch University, South Africa is also widely known for its academic caliber. The university produces qualitative graduates every year who become practicing lawyers or jurists. The school has also been acknowledged for its other faculties and its academic procedure.
The faculty of law offers Mercantile Law, Private as well as Public Law and LLM.
Its programs are available in 4 years duration and it also offers a 3-year LLB second degree.
Students studying law at the University of Stellenbosch are expected to pay about $3200 for an academic year. This is a combination of major fees including health plans as well as administrative dues.
Visit https://www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/law/Pages/default.aspx
As much as this is an informative post, a few details may vary. Hence, it the important to visit the official site for up-to-date information. Know that all fee prices are in the conversion rate as of when this post was made.
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