Difference Between Rows and Columns

This post provides detailed information on the difference between Rows and Columns. Read on to know about their key differences.  

Difference Between Rows and Columns
Difference Between Rows and Columns

People are often confused between rows and columns, as both are used in spreadsheets, matrices, and classroom settings for the purpose of bifurcating groups, types, categories, and so on. Yet, there is a vivid fine line of difference between rows and columns, which has been explained in detail in this article.

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What is Row?

A row is a series of data placed out horizontally in a spreadsheet or table. It is a horizontal arrangement of words, numbers, objects, and data. In a row, data objects are arranged in a straight line face-to-face while lying next to each other.

What is a Column?

A column is a vertical series of cells in a chart, table, or spreadsheet. It is an arrangement of facts, words, figures, etc.

Columns are mostly placed in a continuous sequence one after another. In a table, lines are mostly used to separate columns from each other, and this helps to enhance readability and attractiveness.

How are Rows and Columns labeled?

In Microsoft Excel and all spreadsheet programs, rows are labeled using numbers (e.g., 1 to 1,048,576) while all columns are labeled with letters starting with the letter A and then incrementing by a letter after the final letter Z. For example, after the letter Z, the next column is AA, AB, AC, …, AZ after which it increments BA, BB, BC, etc. to the last column XFD.

When working with a cell, you combine the row with the column. For example, the very first cell is on row 1 and in column A, so the cell is labeled as A1.

Difference Between Rows and Columns

Row Column Example


  • A row is a series of data put out horizontally in a spreadsheet or table while a column is a vertical series of cells in a spreadsheet, chart, or table.
  • A stub that is the farthest left part of the table describes the Row while a caption at the topmost of the table describes the column.
  • Rows go across from left to right while Columns are arranged from up to down.
  • In a spreadsheet such as Google sheet, MS Excel WPS, or LibreOffice, the row heading is indicated by numbers whereas column headings are denoted by letters.
  • Rows are known as records that contain fields in DBMS and columns, they are called fields that contain the collection of characters.
  • A row can be defined as an order in which objects are placed horizontally or alongside while a column can be defined as a vertical division of objects based on category.
  • In a matrix, the horizontal arrays are also called rows while the vertical arrays are called columns.
  • In the database, information like name, names, and gender, are placed in the rows while in the column information about someone is in the rows.
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What is Row in Excel? 

In MS Excel, rows and columns are in tabular format. Row runs horizontally while Column runs vertically. Each row runs vertically at the left side of the sheet and is identified by row number. For each column, it is identified by the column header, which runs horizontally at the top of the sheet.

What are Rows and Columns in a table? 

In a table, q row is a series of data put out horizontally while a column is a vertical series of cells. Rows go across left to right while Columns are arranged from up to down

How to count multiple rows in Excel 

Click the column header. The status bar, in the lower-right corner of your Excel window, will show the row count. To count the columns, click the row selector at the left end of the row. If an entire row or column is selected, Excel counts just the cells that contain data. 

How to differentiate Rows and Columns in Excel? 

In Excel, Rows and Columns are two different properties that make up a range, cell, or table together. 

Excel is the cobweb of rows and columns whereby each adjoining row and column are called cell.  All the worksheets consist of millions of such cells which are used together to record data.  

Basically, the horizontal portion of the worksheet is known as rows. There can be 1048576 of them.  The vertical portion of the worksheet is known as columns and there can be 256 of them in a worksheet.

Excel is mainly used to plot the data based on the requirement as well as manipulate it to obtain a fruitful analysis.

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In Excel, 

A row is a horizontal line of cells and each row has a unique number that identifies it.

A column is a vertical line of cells and each column has a unique letter that identifies it.

The total rows in the worksheet are 10,48,576, while the total columns are 16,384.

In the worksheet, Rows range from 1 to 1,048,576, while columns range from A to XFD.

To select an entire specific row in Excel, press Shift + Space bar while to select the entire column, press Ctrl Spacebar.

To hide any row in Excel, select the entire row, press right-click and then hide, while to hide any column, select the entire column, press right click and then hide.

The default row height in Excel is 18.75 pt. and 25 pixels, while the default width of the column in Excel is 8.43 pt. and 64 pixels.

To freeze any row, put the active cell below the row you want to freeze and press Alt+W+F+R. To freeze a column, put the active cell adjacent to the column and press Alt+W+F+C.

How many Columns are in a Row? 

For MS Excel, the number of Rows ranges from 1 to 1048576. So in total, there are 1048576 rows and columns ranging from A to XFD; in total 16384 columns.

What is the limit of Rows in Excel 2016?

The limit is 1,048,576 rows. 

How to find the total number of rows and columns of an Excel using Python

pd_xl_file = pd. ExcelFile(“sample1.xls”)

df = pd_xl_file. parse(“Sheet1”)


dimensions = df. shape.


How to count the number of rows in a CSV file without opening it

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For Windows users, if your CSV files are comma (not semicolon) separated, you can get a number of lines like this

  • open a command prompt
  • go to the folder that contains your file
  • type find “,” /c yourfilename

If the CSV file is semicolon-separated, replace the comma with a semicolon in the command above.

For Mac users, you can use wc -l yourfilename.


Rows and Columns both are fundamental part of any table whether it is a matrix or a spreadsheet as far as it is for the purpose of storing data. Both are important geometric arrangements that divide any data set on the basis of attributes.

In a database management system, a row (record or tuple) consists of various data fields while a column consists of an accumulator of a single attribute in the dataset or a single data attribute. In Excel, the intersection of rows and columns is called a cell.

FAQs Difference Between Rows and Columns

Here are some questions that students generally ask on the difference between Rows and Columns:

What is row and column in a table?

Ans. The vertical arrangement of objects is called a column and the horizontal arrangement of an object

How do you find rows and columns?

Ans. To find rows and columns, just check the types of arrangement. If the arrangement is vertical or length-wise it is a column, else it is called a row. 

What’s the difference between rows and columns?

Ans. The detailed difference between a row and a column is provided in this article.  

What’s the difference between rows and columns?

Ans. The detailed difference between a row and a column is provided in this article. Scroll up to read.


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