Have you ever been to a low-income country or an internally displaced people camp? Do you know they are people all over the world suffering in silence?. The rate at which this occurs would have been escalated if not for the intervention of the International Development officers. So, Enrolling in free online courses in international development is a step to take in saving the people from these disasters.
International development might seem like a philanthropic job however, they are being paid. Also, International Development is not all about helping the needy or less privileged. They are also in charge of bringing up innovative ideas to help in the development of the world. Be it in the health sector, industries, good Living, Security, etc.
international development is a broad concept implying the idea that societies and countries have different degrees of economic or human development on an international scale.

What is International Development
International development programs bring resources and knowledge to help communities and governments around the globe as they work to end extreme poverty, support the advancement of human rights, and promote resilient democratic societies while improving international security and accomplishment.
International development” is different from the simple idea of “development”. Whereas its most basic, indicates simply the idea of change through time, international growth has come to refer to a diverse field of practice, research, and industry; the topic of university courses and professional categorizations.
Why Enroll in International Development Course
Studying international development gives you access to research on a vast range of topics. Some of the field international development can focus on include:
- Humanitarian aid
- Global health
- Human rights
- Gender
- Climate change
- Global security
- Poverty reduction
- International relations
- Community development
Furthermore, Studying international development is great for learning about the vast trends in global events, as well as how often the causes of what is happening across the globe are linked. Also, Studying international development gives you the knowledge and skills to see how larger historical, cultural, and political trends have shaped our world, and how the international development discipline can help address recent issues faced by populations.
So, procrastinate no further and enroll in the free online courses in international development
How to Become an International Development officer
Most times, A career in international development begins with a degree. A bachelor’s in a subject such as human rights, economics, or social policy can prepare you for a master’s in international development. Also, An addition of work experience, volunteering, and a master’s degree in international development (or related areas) is important to work in this field. Traveling to developing countries or communities you wish to help will provide valuable insight.
Furthermore, Volunteer work helps you to improve and assess the skills that you are expected to contribute to international development. Moreover, These skills include communication, problem-solving, cultural sensitivity, and socio-political knowledge. Also, Volunteering helps you identify precisely who you would like to work with, or what you think you can give.
Top Ten Free Online Courses in International Development With Certificates in 2022
Below is an eye-catching comprehensive list of Free Online Courses in International Development With Certificates
#1. Management of International Development: Towards Agenda 2030
Welcome To the first selected free online courses in international development
This course allows participants to explore the multifaceted notion of international development to be able to interpret and lead its opportunities, challenges, and constant evolutions. Also, Starting from an in-depth analysis of the current international development architecture, its key actors, and trends, the course then illustrates the main international organizations’ governance systems; identifies their funding and financing tools necessary to carry out development programs and accomplish sustainable development goals. Also, it explains how to effectively sway human capital to drive organizational success and be ‘fit for purpose’ in an ever-changing international development scenario.
Provider: Bocconi University through Coursera
Subject: Management of International Development: Towards Agenda 2030
Duration: 8 hours
Start Date: self-paced
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#2. Entrepreneurship Strategy: From Ideation to Exit
This course covers in historical order each defining step of an entrepreneurial project. It begins with very personal reflections related to getting to better know yourself better to decide if you are ready for the numerous challenges of entrepreneurship. Also, It deals with creativity to provide the right pair of tools to find an idea with the right potential to disrupt a prevailing business. We then discuss how to select a founding team, how to raise money to launch the project, and how to deal with day-to-day money management.
Later in the course, we talk about the art of selling, concentrating on business-to-business sales, and how to calculate the product launch stage using cohort analysis. Later on, we talk about the challenges of HR in an entrepreneurial environment, and of recruiting at a point where nobody recognizes your company. We then describe very practical techniques to launch the international development of a little company. Last, we cover the exit system topic.
Provider: HEC Paris through Coursera
Subject: Entrepreneurship Strategy: From Ideation to Exit
Duration: 19 hours
Start Date: Self-paced
#3. Systems Thinking In Public Health
This Is one of the free online courses in international development that gives an introduction to systems reasoning and systems models in public health. However, issues in public health and health policy tend to be complicated with many actors, institutions, and risk factors involved. Also, If a result depends on many interacting and adaptive parts and actors the outcome cannot be analyzed or predicted with traditional statistical methods. Thus, Systems thinking is a core skill in public health and helps health policymakers fabricate programs and policies that are aware of and prepared for unintentional consequences.
Furthermore, An essential part of systems thinking is the practice to incorporate multiple viewpoints and synthesize them into a framework or model that can illustrate and predict the various ways in which a system might respond to policy change. Also, Systems thinking and systems models improvise strategies to account for real-world complexities.
Provider: John Hopkins University through Coursera
Subject: Systems Thinking In Public Health
Duration: 15 hours
Start Date: Self-paced
#4. Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development
Civil society organizations (CSOs) are key actors in the improvement and have valuable contributions to make. They play many roles including, service delivery, relation to humanitarian assistance, research and policy development, and pursuing accountability from other stakeholders and governments. All of which can significantly contribute to the actualization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Also, CSOs are expected to play an important role in implementing the SDGs and in overseeing their progress. Thus, It is therefore urgent that CSOs meaningfully and effectively absorbed in development processes. But, what is needed for CSOs to be able to do so? This Online Interactive Guidance gives some answers to that question.
Furthermore, It put participants through a detailed history of the international obligations that call for this multi-stakeholder collaboration; what this means in exercise for various development actors; and the benefits that can occur through means of good practice examples from countries across the globe.
Provider: Erasmus University Rotterdam through Coursera
Subject: Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development
Duration: 13 hours
Start Date: Self-paced
#5. International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth Specialization
This field covers marketing concepts but, more importantly, underlines the need by companies and individuals to think openly across international markets and industries for new ideas. This is summarized as “Cross Country & Cross Industry” Innovation. So, The first two courses will define the core foundations and then the last three courses will elaborate on important global industry clusters: course 3 on B2B, course 4 on Hospitality and Healthcare and course 5 on Sports and Entertainment. The capstone will require learners to improve a new product using knowledge learned from at least 2 industries.
Provider: Yonsei University through Coursera
Subject: International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth Specialization
Duration: 6 months
Start Date: Self-paced
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#6. Politics and Economics of International Energy
Energy issues have always been crucial in international relations, but in recent years many have become even more important than in the past due to the widespread knowledge of existing limits to energy sources and negative climate effects. The course pertains to global trends in energy consumption and production, several available strategies for potential developments in the coming decades, the availability of oil reserves, and the evolution of the oil industry. Also, It talks about natural gas and underlines the differences between oil and gas. It will also pertain to renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, and EU energy policy.
Furthermore, This is one of the Free online courses in international development which aims at providing students whose main interest is in international relations with a background in energy resources, technology, and economic realities to allow them to correctly interpret the political effect of current developments. Also, it aims at providing students, who already have a technical background in energy science or engineering, with a broad global view of energy problems that will allow them to better understand the economic, social, and political impact of their technical knowledge.
Provider: SciencesPO through Coursera
Subject: Politics and Economics of International Energy
Duration: 30 hours
Start Date: Self-paced
#7. Introduction to International Criminal Lawhours
From the Nuremberg trial to the lawsuit against Saddam Hussein, from the prosecution of Al-Qaeda terrorists to the case of Somali pirates – no field of law is as crucial to global peace and security as international criminal law. Taught by one of the world’s dominating experts in the field, this course will teach students about the fundamentals of international criminal law and policy. Furthermore, We will explore the contours of international crimes such as war crimes, genocide, terrorism, and piracy. We will examine distinctive modes of international criminal liability and specialized defenses. And we will delve into the challenges of attaining custody of the accused and sustaining control of the courtroom
Provider: Case Western Reserve University through Coursera
Subject: Introduction to International Criminal Law
Duration: 13 hours
Start Date: self-paced
#8. Privacy and Standardisation Specialization
Welcome to this specialization in privacy and standardization,
We are delighted to see that you are interested and will empower you with a comprehensive study of the intriguing subject of privacy and standardization in the context of technological innovation. We hope this course will rave you to look further into personal data regulation, privacy, and standardization. Especially in the light of current events, it becomes more crucial to know about your (alleged!?) rights and freedoms.
The courses on privacy give you a historical perspective on the developments of privacy rights in an international context. The course on standardization illustrates the legal context and the scalable power of standardization. Both topics are illustrated in a technological context. Also, The course on Privacy in the Western World gives you the variations between the USA and Europe, and the details of the USA and Europe will be explained broadly in the follow-up courses.
Furthermore, this field will help you build a detailed opinion and it will challenge you in all sectors of present-day privacy protection. Also, It will link historic milestones to recent limitations and give you a journey through jurisdictions and technological fields.
Provider: EIT digital
Subject: Privacy and Standardisation Specialization
Duration: 9 months
Start Date: Self-paced
#9. Rethinking International Tax Law
In current years, the international tax planning systems of multinationals have become a source of often heated debate. Thus, These free online courses in international development give learners the tools to become fully informed partakers in the debate by explaining the foundations and exercise of international tax law as well as addressing recent developments ae ethical aspects of tax planning.
Provider: Universiteit Leiden the Netherlands through Coursera
Subject: Rethinking International Tax Law
Duration: 44 hours
Start Date: self-paced
#10. International Cyber Conflicts
By nature, cyber disputes are an international issue that cuts across nation-state borders. By the end of the course, you will be able to apply the knowledge attained from the analysis and management of international cyber incidents and disputes including for activities such as the development of policy associated with cybercrime and cyberwarfare.
Also, The course is built to reach an international audience and will encourage conversation on relevant current events among participants to improve the experience with several personal and cultural viewpoints on cutting-edge issues. In addition, assessments and other assignments will add video lectures and selected readings to ensure the application of the material. Upon taking this course you will be able to:
- Firstly, Identify various types of actors included in cyber dangers (individuals, organizations & nation-states)
- Also, Distinguish between various types of threats and problems in cyber security including, data theft, critical infrastructure protection, and propaganda
- Detail the basic factors of the Internet infrastructure and international efforts to address Internet governance. Also, List several international endeavors to address cybercrime and espionage
- Analyze how principles that govern international disputes might be applied in the context of cyber security
- Lastly, Apply various psychological theories of human motivation and cooperation and communication and political theories in the analysis of various international issues related to cyber security including censorship, media operations, and the role of social technologies.
Provider: The State University of New York
Subject: International Cyber Conflicts
Duration: 9 hours
Start Date: self-paced
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Studying international development gives you the knowledge and skills to see how larger historical, cultural, and political trends have shaped our world, and how the international development discipline can help address recent issues faced by populations.
Therefore, if you aspire to make a change in the world, do well to apply for one of the free online courses in international development here. We also want you to feel appreciated for your attempts to become a part that reshapes the world.
FAQ in International Development
International development looks at improving the lives of individuals worldwide through areas of need and interest. Also, With areas such as health, education, democracy, sustainability, and economics, people are better equipped to live more equitable lives with greater opportunities.
Community Worker.
Child Welfare Policy Analyst.
Community Economic Development Officer.
Development Service Worker.
International aide and Development Project Analyst.
Lastly, International Relations Specialist.
International development programs bring knowledge and resources to help communities and governments around the world as they work to end extreme poverty; support the advancement of human rights; and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing global security and prosperity.
Many positions in international development include aspects of work that require greater levels of personal commitment than in other industries. These may include, frequent travel, working in challenging environments, learning new languages, s and frequent long hours of work.
Lack of Feedback and Data.
Short-Term Thinking.
Overemphasis on the New and Shiny.
Organizational Structure.
Bureaucratic Inertia.
Lastly, Destructive Competition.
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