How Many Credits To Graduate High School In Florida?

Graduating from high school in Florida is not as straightforward as one may think. Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits to graduate, which includes the core academic coursework and required courses for a diploma. Depending on the student’s level of preparation, some may need to take additional classes or earned credits to graduate. For example, a freshman who has completed all of their core courses but needs one more credit to graduate will need to take an approved dual enrollment course.

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In Florida, students must earn at least 24 credits in order to graduate from high school. These credits include required courses in math, English, science, social studies, and physical education, as well as electives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many credits do you need to graduate high school in Florida 2020?

In order to graduate from high school in Florida in 2020, students will need 24 credits.

Can you graduate with 18 credits in Florida?

Yes, you can graduate with 18 credits in Florida. This is because Florida has a trimester system, which allows students to take more classes each term and graduate sooner. However, it’s important to note that not all colleges or universities in Florida offer the 18-credit option.

How many PE credits do you need to graduate high school in Florida?

In Florida, you need 24 credits in order to graduate high school. Of those 24 credits, at least 2 must be in physical education.

How many credits should a 10th grader have in Florida?

In Florida, a 10th grader should have at least 12 credits.

How many credits do you need to graduate high school in Florida 2022?

You need 24 credits to graduate from high school in Florida in 2022.

Is Algebra 2 a graduation requirement in Florida?

No, Algebra 2 is not a graduation requirement in Florida.

Is PE required in high school in Florida?

Yes, physical education is required in high school in Florida.

How many credits should a junior have?

There is no set number of credits that a junior should have, but most colleges and universities require between 60 and 90 credit hours for graduation. It’s important to start planning early and make sure you’re on track to graduate on time. Talk to your advisor if you have any questions about what classes you need to take.

How many credits do you need to graduate from Florida?

In order to graduate from a Florida high school, you need 24 credits.


In conclusion, graduating high school in Florida requires a minimum of 24 credits. Students can earn these credits in a variety of ways, including completing required coursework, demonstrating proficiency in various subject areas, and participating in extracurricular activities. Graduating from high school is an important milestone, and students in Florida should make sure they are on track to meet the credit requirements.

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My name is Queen! For five years, I have been actively involved in helping students get scholarship opportunities in Europe, the USA, and Canada. Currently, I am the Admin of