Sheffield University Courses and Acceptance Rate 2022

 International students wishing to study at Sheffield University should read on to know the Sheffield University courses and acceptance rate 2022

This post contains everything you need to know about Sheffield university, Sheffield university courses, and the acceptance rate in 2022.

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Sheffield University

Sheffield University

Sheffield University also known as Sheffield Hallam University ( SHU ) is a public university located in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England. It is based on two sites; the City Campus is located in the city center near Sheffield railway station, while the Collegiate Crescent Campus is about two miles away in the Broomhall Estate off Ecclesall Road in the south-west. 

Sheffield is one of the most underrated universities in the world, considering the exploits pioneered by this institution academically. 

Sheffield Hallam University is one of the public universities in the world.

Sheffield University Courses and Acceptance Rate 2022

University of Sheffield Courses

The University of Sheffield is a world-class university, which is evident in the number of courses offered by this institution, which has put her among the first 100 institutions in the world. 

Sheffield University offers some of the top accredited courses in the world ranging from undergraduate to graduate level.

Here is a list of the courses offered by the University Of Sheffield.


  • Accounting and Financial Management BA ABB N420
  • Accounting and Financial Management and Economics BA AAB NL41
  • Accounting and Financial Management and Mathematics BA AAB NG41
  • Aerospace Engineering BEng AAB H402
  • Aerospace Engineering MEng AAA H400
  • Aerospace Engineering (Private Pilot Instruction) BEng AAB H460
  • Aerospace Engineering (Private Pilot Instruction) MEng AAA H490
  • Aerospace Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB-BBB H407
  • Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H405
  • Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB H404
  • Aerospace Engineering with a Year in North America MEng AAA H406
  • Applied Social Sciences BA ABB L431
  • Applied Social Sciences BSc ABB L305
  • Archaeology BA BBB F400
  • Archaeology BSc BBB F410
  • Archaeology and History BA ABB FV41
  • Archaeology and Languages with a Year Abroad BA BBB VR40
  • Architectural Engineering MEng AAA HK2D
  • Architectural Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA 2G91
  • Architecture BA AAA K100
  • Architecture and Landscape BA AAA KK13
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science MComp AAA G700
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science BSc AAB GG74
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science with a Year in Industry BSc AAB GG75
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science with a Year in Industry MComp AAA G704
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science with a Year in Industry MComp AAA G704


  • Biochemistry BSc AAB C700
  • Biochemistry MBiolSci AAB C709
  • Biochemistry and Genetics BSc AAB CC74
  • Biochemistry and Genetics MBiolSci AAB CC7C
  • Biochemistry and Microbiology BSc AAB CC75
  • Biochemistry and Microbiology MBiolSci AAB CC79
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology BSc AAB C790
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology MBiolSci AAB C791
  • Bioengineering MEng AAA H675
  • Bioengineering BEng AAB H673
  • Bioengineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB-BBB H160
  • Bioengineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H67I
  • Bioengineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB H67H
  • Biology BSc AAB C100
  • Biology MBiolSci AAA C109
  • Biology with a Year Abroad BSc AAA C101
  • Biology with a Year Abroad MBiolSci AAA C10C
  • Biomaterials Science and Engineering MEng AAA JH5P
  • Biomaterials Science and Engineering BEng AAB JH56
  • Biomedical Science BSc AAB B900
  • Biomedical Science MBiomedSci AAA B909
  • Biomedical Science with a Year Abroad BSc AAA B901
  • Biomedical Science with a Year in Industry Bsc AAB B902
  • Biomedical Science with a Year in Industry MBiomedSci AAA B911
  • Business Management BA ABB N200
  • Business Management and Economics BA AAB NL21
  • Business Management and Japanese Studies BA AAB NT22
  • Business Management and Mathematics BA AAB NG21


  • Chemical Engineering BEng AAA H810
  • Chemical Engineering MEng AAA H800
  • Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology MEng AAA H8J7
  • Chemical Engineering with Chemistry MEng AAA H8F1
  • Chemical Engineering with Energy MEng AAA H840
  • Chemical Engineering with Industrial Experience BEng AAA H811
  • Chemical Engineering with Nuclear Technology MEng AAA H990
  • Chemical Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB-BBC H801
  • Chemical Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H804
  • Chemical Physics MPhys AAB F335
  • Chemistry BSc AAB F100
  • Chemistry MChem AAB F105
  • Chemistry with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry MChem AAB C720
  • Chemistry with Study in America MChem AAB F109
  • Chemistry with Study in Australasia MChem AAB F108
  • Chemistry with Study in Industry MChem AAB F106
  • Chinese Studies BA ABB T110
  • Chinese Studies and Business Management BA ABB TN12
  • Chinese Studies and History BA ABB TV11
  • Chinese Studies with French BA ABB T1R1
  • Chinese Studies with Japanese BA ABB T1T2
  • Chinese Studies with Russian BA ABB T1R7
  • Chinese Studies with Spanish BA ABB T1R4
  • Civil Engineering MEng AAA H200
  • Civil Engineering BEng AAA H202
  • Civil Engineering with a Modern Language MEng AAA H2T9
  • Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA 2H26
  • Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAA 8T63
  • Civil and Structural Engineering MEng AAA H210
  • Civil and Structural Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB-BBC H201
  • Civil and Structural Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA 8L55
  • Classical and Historical Archaeology BA BBB QV84
  • Combined Honours – Triple BA AAA-AAB Y001
  • Computer Science BSc AAB G402
  • Computer Science MComp AAA G400
  • Computer Science and Mathematics BSc AAB GG41
  • Computer Science and Mathematics with a Year in Industry BSc AAB GG42
  • Computer Science with Mathematics MComp AAA G4G1
  • Computer Science with Mathematics with a Year in Industry MComp AAA G4G2
  • Computer Science with a Foundation Year MComp or BSc ABB G401
  • Computer Science with a Year in Industry Bsc AAB G403
  • Computer Science with a Year in Industry MComp AAA G404
  • Computer Systems Engineering BEng AAB H130
  • Computer Systems Engineering MEng AAA G500
  • Computer Systems Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA 8M74
  • Computer Systems Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB 2A47
  • Criminology BA AAB M900


Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy See below DENU03

Dental Surgery BDS AAA A200

Digital Media and Society BA ABB L391

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East Asian Studies BA ABB T300

Ecology and Conservation Biology BSc AAB C180

Ecology and Conservation Biology MBiolSci AAA C189

Economics BA AAB L100

Economics BSc AAB L101

Economics and Mathematics BSc AAB LG11

Economics and Philosophy BA AAB LV15

Economics and Politics BA AAB LL12

Economics with Finance BSc AAA L1N3

Education, Culture and Childhood BA ABB X300

Electrical & Electronic Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB-BBC H602

Electrical Engineering BEng AAB H620

Electrical Engineering MEng AAA H621

Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H623

Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB H622

Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng AAB H628

Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng AAA H629

Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H634

Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB H633

Electronic Engineering BEng AAB H610

Electronic Engineering MEng AAA H613

Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H615

Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB H611

Electronic and Communications Engineering BEng AAB H647

Electronic and Communications Engineering MEng AAA H645

Electronic and Communications Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H649

Electronic and Communications Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB H648

Electronic and Electrical Engineering with a Modern Language MEng AAA H6T9

Electronics and Computer Engineering MEng AAA H651

Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng AAB H655

Electronics and Computer Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H652

Electronics and Computer Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H654

Electronics and Computer Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB H656

Engineering MEng AAA H100

Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng AAB – BBB H101

Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H104

English Language and Linguistics BA ABB Q3Q1

English Language and Literature BA AAB Q304

English Language and Sociology BA ABB QL33

English Literature BA AAB Q306

English and French BA ABB QR31

English and German BA ABB QR32

English and Hispanic Studies BA ABB QR34

English and History BA AAB QV31

English and Music BA ABB QW33

English and Philosophy BA AAB QV35

English and Russian BA ABB QR37

English and Theatre BA AAB QW34

Environmental Science MEnvSci AAB F902

Environmental Science BSc ABB F900


Financial Mathematics BSc AAB GN13

French Studies BA ABB R120

French and Business Management BA ABB RN12

French and Economics BA AAB RL11

French and German BA ABB RR12

French and Hispanic Studies BA ABB RR14

French and History BA ABB RV11

French and Linguistics BA ABB QR11

French and Music BA ABB RW13

French and Philosophy BA ABB RV15

French and Politics BA ABB RL12

French and Russian BA ABB RR17

French with Czech BA BBB R1R7

French with Dutch BA BBB R1R9

French with Japanese BA


Genetics BSc AAA-AAB C400

Genetics MBiolSci AAA-AAB C409

Genetics and Microbiology BSc AAA-AAB CC45

Genetics and Microbiology MBiolSci AAA-AAB CC4C

Genetics and Molecular Cell Biology BSc AAA-AAB CC47

Genetics and Molecular Cell Biology MBiolSci AAA-AAB CC4R

Geography BA AAB L700

Geography BSc AAB F800

Geography MGeogSci AAA F804

Geography and Planning BA ABB LK74

German Studies BA BBB R220

German and Business Management BA ABB RN22

German and Economics BA AAB RL21

German and Hispanic Studies BA ABB RR24

German and History BA ABB RV21

German and Linguistics BA ABB QR12

German and Music BA ABB RW23

German and Philosophy BA ABB RV25

German and Politics BA ABB RL22

German and Russian BA ABB RR27

German with Czech BA BBB R2R7

German with Dutch BA BBB R2R9

Germanic Studies with Japanese BA ABB R2T2


Health and Human Sciences BMedSci ABB-BBB B991

Hispanic Studies BA ABB R410

Hispanic Studies and Business Management BA ABB RN42

Hispanic Studies and Economics BA AAB RL41

Hispanic Studies and Politics BA ABB RL42

Hispanic Studies with Japanese BA ABB R4T2

Hispanic Studies with Polish BA BBB R4RR

History BA AAB V100

History and Hispanic Studies BA ABB RV41

History and Music BA AAB VW13

History and Philosophy BA AAB VV15

History and Politics BA AAB VL12

History and Russian BA ABB RV71

History and Sociology BA AAB VL13

History with Dutch BA ABB V1R9


International Business Management with Study Abroad BA ABB N120

International Relations and Politics BA AAB L201


Japanese Studies BA ABB T210

Japanese Studies and History BA ABB TV21

Japanese Studies with German BA ABB T2R2

Japanese Studies with Russian BA ABB T2R7

Japanese Studies with Spanish BA ABB T2R4

Journalism Studies BA ABB P500


Korean Studies BA ABB T415

Korean Studies with Japanese BA ABB T4T2


Landscape Architecture BA ABB K3K4

Landscape Architecture BSc ABB KC39

Law LLB AAA M100

Law (European and International) LLB AAA M120

Law (with Chinese Law) LLB AAB M1M5

Law (with French Law) LLB AAB M1M2

Law (with German Law) LLB AAB M1M3

Law (with Spanish Law) LLB AAB M1M4

Law and Criminology LLB AAB M930

Linguistics and Hispanic Studies BA ABB QR14

Linguistics and Japanese Studies BA ABB QT12

Linguistics and Philosophy BA ABB QV15

Linguistics and Russian BA ABB QR17


Materials Science and Engineering BEng AAB JH51

Materials Science and Engineering MEng AAA J500

Materials Science and Engineering (Research) MEng AAA J505

Materials Science and Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB-BBC J501

Materials Science and Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB J591

Materials Science with Nuclear Engineering MEng AAA F2H8

Mathematics MMath AAA G103

Mathematics BSc AAB G100

Mathematics and Philosophy BSc AAB VG51

Mathematics and Statistics BSc AAB G112

Mathematics and Statistics MMath AAA G110

Mathematics and Statistics with Placement Year BSc AAA GG13

Mathematics and Statistics with Placement Year MMath AAA GG14

Mathematics with French MMath AAB G1R1

Mathematics with German MMath AAB G1R2

Mathematics with Placement Year BSc AAA GG11

Mathematics with Placement Year MMath AAA GG12

Mathematics with Spanish MMath AAB G1R4

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Mathematics with a Year Abroad MMath AAA G106

Mechanical Engineering BEng AAA H302

Mechanical Engineering MEng AAA H300

Mechanical Engineering with Biomechanics MEng AAA H3H6

Mechanical Engineering with Biomechanics with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H3H7

Mechanical Engineering with French MEng AAA H3R1

Mechanical Engineering with German MEng AAA H3R2

Mechanical Engineering with Nuclear Technology MEng AAA H3H8

Mechanical Engineering with Nuclear Technology with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H3H9

Mechanical Engineering with Spanish MEng AAA H3R4

Mechanical Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB-BBB H301

Mechanical Engineering with a Semester in China MEng AAA H306

Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H304

Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAA H305

Mechanical Engineering with a Year in North America MEng AAA H3T7

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering MEng AAA H360

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering BEng AAB H361

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA 2S15

Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB 2G36

Medical Biochemistry BSc AAB C741

Medical Biochemistry MBiolSci AAB C749

Medical Genetics BSc AAA-AAB C431

Medical Genetics MBiolSci AAA-AAB C433

Medical Microbiology BSc AAA-AAB C521

Medical Microbiology MBiolSci AAA-AAB C523

Medicine MBChB AAA A100

Metallurgy MEng AAA J200

Microbiology BSc AAA-AAB C500

Microbiology MBiolSci AAA-AAB C509

Microelectronics MEng AAA H614

Microelectronics with a Year in Industry MEng AAA H616

Molecular Biology BSc AAA-AAB C440

Molecular Biology MBiolSci AAA-AAB C449

Music BMus ABB W302

Music and Hispanic Studies BA ABB RW43

Music and Korean Studies BA ABB WTH4

Music and Philosophy BA ABB VW53


Nursing (Adult) BMedSci BBB B740


Orthoptics BMedSci BBB B520


Course Award A Levels UCAS code

Philosophy BA AAB V500

Philosophy and Religion BA ABB VV56

Physics BSc AAB F300

Physics MPhys AAA F301

Physics and Astrophysics BSc AAB FF35

Physics and Astrophysics MPhys AAA F3F5

Physics and Astrophysics with Study Abroad MPhys AAA FF3M

Physics and Philosophy BSc AAB FV35

Physics with Computer Science BSc AAB F3G4

Physics with Computer Science MPhys AAA F3GK

Physics with Medical Physics BSc AAB F350

Physics with Medical Physics MPhys AAA F371

Physics with Philosophy MPhys AAA F3V5

Physics with Study Abroad MPhys AAA F305

Physics with a Foundation Year MPhys or BSc BBB F309

Plant Sciences BSc AAB C200

Plant Sciences MBiolSci AAA C209

Politics BA AAB L210

Politics and Philosophy BA AAB LV25

Politics and Sociology BA ABB LL23

Prehistoric Archaeology BA BBB V400

Psychology BSc AAB C800


Quantitative Social Sciences BA ABB L435


Robotics with a Foundation Year MEng ABB-BBC H659

Robotics with a Foundation Year BEng ABB-BBC H653

Russian Studies BA BBB R710

Russian and Business Management BA ABB RN72

Russian and Economics BA AAB RL71

Russian and Hispanic Studies BA ABB RR47

Russian and Music BA ABB RW73

Russian and Philosophy BA ABB RV75

Russian and Politics BA ABB RL72

Russian with Czech BA BBB R7R7

Russian with Japanese BA ABB R7T2

Russian with Polish BA BBB R7RR


Sociology BA BBB L300

Sociology with Criminology BA BBB L390

Sociology with Social Policy BA BBB LL34

Software Engineering BEng AAB G600

Software Engineering MEng AAA G650

Software Engineering with a Foundation Year MEng or BEng ABB G651

Software Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB G604

Software Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA G654

Speech and Language Sciences BSc ABB QC18

Speech and Language Therapy BMedSci AAB B621

Structural Engineering and Architecture MEng AAA HK21

Systems and Control Engineering BEng AAB H690

Systems and Control Engineering MEng AAA H660

Systems and Control Engineering (Engineering Management) MEng AAA H1NF

Systems and Control Engineering (Engineering Management) BEng AAB HN62

Systems and Control Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng AAA 0G31

Systems and Control Engineering with a Year in Industry BEng AAB 8L16


Course Award A Levels UCAS code

Theoretical Physics BSc AAB F344

Theoretical Physics MPhys AAA F321

Theoretical Physics with Study Abroad MPhys AAA F304


Urban Engineering and Development MEng AAA H225

Urban Studies BA BBB L722

Urban Studies and Planning MPlan (UG) BBB K400


Zoology BSc AAB C300

Zoology MBiolSci AAA C309

For more information on Sheffield university undergraduate courses visit.


Accounting, Governance and Financial Management MSc

Acquired Communication Disorders MSc, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies MSc(Res)

Advanced Aerospace Technologies MSc

Advanced Computer Science MSc

Advanced Control and Systems Engineering MSc(Eng)

Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industrial Management) MSc(Eng)

Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industry) MSc(Eng)

Advanced Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives MSc(Eng)

Advanced Emergency Care MSc

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies MSc(Res)

Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc

Advanced Metallurgy MMet

Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner MMedSci

Advanced Nursing Studies MMedSci, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Advanced Paediatric Nurse Practitioner MMedSci

Advanced Professional Practice MA

Advanced Software Engineering MSc(Eng)

Advancing Practice (Modular Framework) MMedSci

Aegean Archaeology MA

Aerodynamics and Aerostructures MSc(Res)

Aerospace Engineering MSc

Aerospace Materials MSc(Eng)

American History MA

Applied Geographical Information Systems (GIS) MSc

Applied Linguistics with TESOL MA, PG Diploma

Applied Professional Studies in Education MA

Archaeology MA

Archaeology of the Classical Mediterranean MA

Architectural Design MA

Architectural Engineering Design MSc

Architecture March

Architecture and Landscape Architecture MArch

Architecture: Collaborative Practice MArch

Autonomous and Intelligent Systems MSc


Biochemical Engineering with Industrial Management MSc

Biological and Bioprocess Engineering MSc

Biological Imaging MSc

Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine

Biomedical Science MSc

Broadcast Journalism MA, PG Diploma

Business Finance and Economics MSc


Cardiovascular Medicine: From Molecules to Man MRes

Chemistry MSc

Chemistry MSc(Res)

Cities and Global Development MA

Civil Engineering MSc

Clinical Neurology MSc

Clinical Research MSc

Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience MSc

Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging MSc

Cognitive Studies MA

Commercial Real Estate MA

Composition MA

Computational Medicine MSc

Computer Science With Speech and Language Processing MSc

Control and Systems Engineering MRes

Cost-Effectiveness Modelling for Health Technology Assessment PG Certificate

Creative and Cultural Industries Management MSc

Creative Writing MA

Crossways in Cultural Narratives MA

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Cultural Heritage Management MA

Cultural Materials MA

Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence MSc


Data Analytics MSc

Data Communications MSc(Eng)

Data Science MSc

Dementia Studies MA

Dental Materials Science MSc

Dental Technology MSc

Diagnostic Oral Pathology BMedSci

Digital Architecture and Design MSc

Digital Library Management MSc

Digital Media and Society MA

Doctor of Educational and Child Psychology


Early Childhood Education MA

Early Modern History MA

East Asian Business MSc

Ecology and Environment MRes

Economics MSc

Economics and Health Economics MSc

Economics and Public Policy MSc

Education MA

Education, Teaching and Learning MA

Education: Early Childhood MA

Education: Language and Education MA

Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc(Eng)

Endodontics DClinDent

Energy Engineering with Industrial Management MSc

English Language and Linguistics MA

English Literature MA

English Studies (online) MA

Environmental and Energy Engineering MSc(Eng)

Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoeconomy MSc

Environmental Change and International Development MA

Ethnomusicology MA

Europubhealth: European Masters Programme in Public Health European Public Health Master

Evolution and Behaviour MRes

Executive MBA in Advanced Manufacturing Management Executive MBA


Finance MSc

Finance and Accounting MSc

Financial Economics MSc


General Practice Advanced Nurse Practitioner MMedSci

Genomic Approaches to Drug Discovery MSc

Genomic Medicine MSc, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Global History MA

Global Journalism MA

Global Marketing Management MSc

Global Political Economy MA

Globalising Education: Policy and Practice MA

Graduate Diploma in Law MA


Health Economics and Decision Modelling MSc

Health Informatics (Distance Learning) MSc, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Historical Research MA

Human Anatomy and Education MSc

Human and Molecular Genetics MSc

Human Nutrition MSc, PG Diploma

Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology MSc

Human Resource Management MSc


Information Management MSc, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Information Systems MSc, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Information Systems Management MSc

Intercultural Communication MA

Intercultural Communication and International Development MA

Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies MRes

International Criminology MA

International Criminology PG Certificate

International Dental Public Health MClinDent

International Development MA

International Development (Masters of Public Health) MPH

International Finance and Economics MSc

International Health Management and Leadership MSc

International Health Technology Assessment, Pricing and Reimbursement MSc

International Management MSc

International Management and Marketing MSc

International Postgraduate Certificate in Education (iPGCE) iPGCE

International Public and Political Communication MA

International Relations

International Social Change and Policy MSc


Journalism MA, PG Diploma


Landscape Archaeology MA

Landscape Architecture MA, PG Diploma

Landscape Management MA, PG Diploma

Landscape Studies MA, PG Diploma

Language and Communication Impairment in Children MSc, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Law MA

Law (Doshisha) LLM

Legal Practice Course (MA in Legal Practice) MA

Librarianship MA, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Library and Information Services Management (Distance Learning) MA

Literature, Culture and Society 1700-1900 MA

Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc


Magazine Journalism MA, PG Diploma

Management MSc

Management (International Business) MSc

Managing Long-Term Health Conditions PG Certificate

Marketing Management Practice MSc

Master Dental Public Health (MDPH) MDPH

Master of Public Health MPH

Master of Public Health (Health Services Research) MPH

Master of Public Health (Management and Leadership) MPH

Master of Public Health (Online) MPH

Materials Science and Engineering MSc

Mathematics MSc

MBA (Master of Business Administration)


MClinDent Orthodontics MClinDent

Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management MSc

Medical Education PG Certificate

Medicine in Society MA

Medieval Archaeology MA

Medieval History MA

Modern History MA

Modern Languages and Cultures MA

Molecular and Cellular Basis of Human Disease MSc

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology MSc

Molecular Medicine MSc

Money, Banking and Finance MSc

Multilingual Information Management MA

Musculoskeletal Ageing MRes

Music Management MA

Music Performance Studies MA

Music Psychology in Education MA, PG Certificate

Musicology MA


Nanomaterials and Materials Science MSc

Neonatal Intensive Care PG Certificate

Neuroscience MSc

Nuclear Science and Technology MSc

Nursing Studies (leading to professional registration as an Adult Nurse) PG Diploma


Occupational Psychology MSc

Orthodontics DClinDent

Osteoarchaeology MSc


Paediatric Dentistry DClinDent

Paediatric Dentistry MClinDent

Paleoanthropology MSc

Particle Physics MSc(Res)

Periodontics DClinDent

Philosophy MA

Physician Associate Studies MMedSci, PG Diploma

Plant and Microbial Biology MRes

Polar and Alpine Change MSc(Res)

Political Theory MA

Politics and Media in East Asia MA

Politics, Governance and Public Policy MA

Polymer and Polymer Composite Science and Engineering MSc(Eng)

Polymers for Advanced Technologies MSc

Postgraduate Diploma in Education PGDE

Practical Entomology MSc

Process Safety and Loss Prevention MSc(Eng), PG Diploma

Prosthodontics DClinDent

Psychological Research Methods MSc

Psychological Research Methods and Advanced Statistics MSc

Psychology and Education MA

Psychology and Education (Conversion) MSc

Psychology for Musicians MA, PG Certificate

Psychology of Music MA


Quantum Photonics and Nanomaterials MSc(Res)


Real Estate Planning and Development MA

Reproductive and Developmental Medicine MSc

Research Methods and Advanced Statistics MSc

Robotics MSc


Science Communication MSc

Screen Translation MA

Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics MSc(Eng)

Social Research MA

Social Work MA

Sociology MA

Software Systems and Internet Technology MSc

Sonic Arts MA

Speech and Language Therapy MMedSci

Speech Difficulties MSc, PG Certificate, PG Diploma

Statistics MSc

Statistics with Financial Mathematics MSc

Statistics with Medical Applications MSc

Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine MSc

Structural Engineering MSc

Sustainable Agricultural Technologies MSc

Sustainable Architecture Studies MSc

Systems Neuroscience


The Sheffield EdD EdD

The Sheffield LLM LLM

Theatre and Performance Studies MA

Town and Regional Planning MA

Traditional Music of the British Isles MA

Translation Studies MA

Translational Neuropathology MSc

Translational Neuroscience MSc

Translational Oncology MSc(Res)


Urban Design MA

Urban Design and Planning MA


Vision and Strabismus MMedSci, PG Certificate, PG Diploma


Water Engineering MSc

Wireless Communication Systems MSc(Eng)

Work Psychology MSc

World Music Studies MA

Follow the link for more information on the postgraduates courses of the University of Sheffield.

University of Sheffield Acceptance Rate 2021

Sheffield University is one of the world’s leading universities with the highest intake rate.

Sheffield Hallam University Acceptance Rate is up to 85.6% for its new applicants, this is staggering, and it is the 4th highest amongst the Russell Group.

13% of Sheffield’s undergraduates come from independent schools, according to the 2017 Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide

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My name is Queen! For five years, I have been actively involved in helping students get scholarship opportunities in Europe, the USA, and Canada. Currently, I am the Admin of