Study at Royal Crown College 2021: Admission, Courses, Tuition Fees, Rankings

Students interested to study at Royal Crown College should read on to know the Royal Crown college admission, courses, tuition fees and rankings. 

Royal Crown College: Admission, Courses, Tuition Fees, Rankings

This post details everything you need to know to study at Royal Crown College this 2021, as well as Admissions, Courses, Address, Ranking, Scholarships.

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Royal Crown College

The Royal Crown College is a College of Business and Technology offering diploma and certificate programs and located in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

The College is a Designated Learning Institution in Canada registered under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, 


90 Eglinton Avenue, W, Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1A2



Tel: +1 416-4890606

Study at Royal Crown College 2021

Royal Crown College Ranking

World ranking: the Royal Crown College is ranked the 4804th in the world. 

Country ranking: the Royal Crown College is ranked the 1351st in the country.

Royal Crown College Acceptance Rate

Royal Crown College has an acceptance rate of 85%.


Below are the list of courses available at Royal Crown College:

  • Business administration
  • Business ESL
  • Pre-medical and Basic Life Sciences
  • Premedical post-baccalaureate
  • Hospitality and tourism management

Business administration: This includes eighteen courses taught for thirty-nine weeks including quizzes and assessments.

The programs aim to help students who intend to choose a career in business management, self-employment, or a variety of potential career paths such as marketing and international business administration, marketing, management finance or human resources.

For more information, visit the school website or follow the link below to be automatically redirected:  

Royal Crown College Program

The Business Administration Diploma Program at Royal Crown College is designed to prepare our students for the competitive, rapidly evolving, challenging business environment of our times.

The 39-week program equips students with solid, world-class theoretical knowledge and intensive real-world application of fundamentals learned in class through individual and group projects in collaboration with our partner organizations and companies.

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Co-opportunities are available. The program is designed for students whose goals include business management, self-employment, or a variety of potential career paths such as marketing and international business administration, marketing, management finance or human resources.

Next Step After Graduation

Upon completion of the program students can choose one of the following paths:

  • Apply the skills taught in class in the real world
  • Apply for Co-op
  • Transfer the credits to one of our partner universities in Canada and complete a Bachelor program in 2-3 years depending on the program
  • Transfer the credits to partner Universities in the USA
  • Transfer the credits to Universities around the world
  • Business ESL

Business ESL

This includes four courses taught for thirty-two weeks including quizzes and assessments. The program aims at providing students with the necessary skills to handle business and personal problems.

In addition, provide them with the skills to enable effective communication and working in a multicultural business environment.

For more information, visit the school website or follow the link below to be automatically redirected: 

Royal Crown College Programs

Pre-medical and Basic Life Sciences

Pre-medical and Basic Life Sciences includes twenty-seven courses taught for two years split in three trimesters including quizzes and assessments.

The Royal Crown Academy offers the only North American fast-track bridge Premedical program that would enable graduates of the high school to obtain MD in six years. They partner with medical schools and the medical exams board of Canada.

The key components of the program are; the MCAT exam which is embedded as an integral part of the program that prepares students for application to Medical Schools, all the core courses that are prerequisites for most of the four-year medical school, covers 92 academic credits in six four-month-long trimesters.

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The curriculum covers a combination of didactic and dialectic teaching methods with classes designed for millennial students.

The professors employ the teaching technologies of the 21st century including real-time classroom response systems, flipped class teaching, peer-based group discussions, and other advanced learning methods.

For more information, visit the school website or follow the link below to be automatically redirected: Royal Crown College Programs

Premedical post-baccalaureate

Premedical post-baccalaureate includes seven courses taught for forty-eight weeks including quizzes and assessments.

The program is specifically designed for students with an advanced academic degree or undergraduate degree who are planning to either turn a change of career or continue their studies towards the qualification of a medical doctor, MD.

The students can either take up a missing prerequisite course from their transcripts or go through with the entire program as a complete comprehensive package.

The program also gives students the chance to improve their grade point average in the prerequisite courses for a course they want to major in which might be very competitive to get into such as veterinary medicine, dental medicine, medicals or other healthcare professional programs.

Hospitality and Tourism Management

Hospitality and tourism management includes eighteen courses taught for seventy-two weeks including quizzes and assessments.

The course offers a competitive edge for their students in the tourism industry both locally and internationally.

The program combines theoretical aspects from the classroom and hands-on real-life practical experiences in the tourism sector.

The program curriculum includes generally, all aspects of the hospitality industry including food and beverages, reception.

It combines with courses from tourism like private clubs, geography, cruises, and airlines. The courses are handled by professors who guide the students through the program with their experiences in the tourism industry.

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For more information, visit the school website or follow the link below to be automatically redirected: royal crown college programs courses


TESOL includes five courses taught for twenty weeks including quizzes and assessments. This course offers a certification that shows qualifications to teach the English language to students who do not have English as their first language.

The TESOL certification is generally recognized. TESOL is an active community of professionals.

For more information, visit the school website or follow the link below to be automatically redirected: Royal Crown College Programs

Royal Crown College Tuition Fees 2021

The tuition fees to study at Royal Crown College differ by the courses. Below is a breakdown of tuition fees.

Business administration: 13995 dollars. The cost estimate of required books is 450 dollars

Business ESL: 14400 dollars. The cost estimate of required books is 520 dollars

Pre-medical and Basic Life Sciences: 32 200 dollars. The cost estimate of required books is 500 dollars

Premedical post-baccalaureate: 8 960 dollars for home students and 16 100 dollars for international students. The cost estimate of the required books is 350 dollars.

Hospitality and tourism management: 12 200 dollars. The cost estimate of the required books is 120 dollars.

TESOL: 3 100 dollars for home students and 3 600 dollars for international students. The cost estimate of required books is 100 dollars


Admission requirements for admission are transcripts from previous studies. For more information and to apply

royalcrowncollege admissions


There are currently no scholarships available for study at RoyalCl crown college, but here are the Latest Canadian Scholarships to Study in Canada for Both International & Canadian Students.


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My name is Queen! For five years, I have been actively involved in helping students get scholarship opportunities in Europe, the USA, and Canada. Currently, I am the Admin of