Students intending to study at University of Edinburgh in 2021 should read on to know the university of Edinburgh courses, tuition and rankings.
The University of Edinburgh has proven to be one of the universities, promoting academic excellence, technologically advancement and offering research-oriented courses.
In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know to study at university of Edinburgh in 2021, courses, rankings, acceptance rate and tuition.
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University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh was founded in 1582 and is the sixth oldest university in the English-speaking world and one of Scotland’s ancient universities. It was established by the Edinburgh Town Council.
At first, the university began life as a college of law using part of a legacy left by a graduate of the University of St Andrews, Bishop Robert Reid of St Magnus Cathedral, Orkney.
The university of Edinburgh is in charge for a number of historic and modern structures across the city, including the Scotland’s oldest purpose-built concert hall, and the second oldest in use in the British Isles, St Cecilia’s Concert Hall; Teviot Row House, which is the oldest purpose-built student union building in the world; and the restored 17th-century Mylne’s Court student residence which stands at the head of Edinburgh’s Royal Mile.
Study at University of Edinburgh in 2021
University of Edinburgh Courses
The University of Edinburgh is widely known for its formidable rерutаtiоn straddling across mоѕt disciplines, but most nоtаblу in the Following courses
- Agricultural Science
- Architecture
- Biological Sciences
- Business
- Computer Science
- еnginееring
- есоnоmiсѕ
- ѕосiоlоgу and the ѕосiаl sciences.
University of Edinburgh ranking
- The University of Edinburgh is ranked 18th in the world by the 2021 QS World University Rankings.
- It is ranked as the 6th best university in Europe by the U.S. News’ Best Global Universities Ranking, and 7th best in Europe by the Times Higher Education Ranking.
- The Research Excellence Framework, a research ranking used by the UK government to determine future research funding, ranked Edinburgh 4th in the UK for research power, and 11th overall.
- It is ranked the 78th most employable university in the world by the 2017 Global Employability University Ranking.
- In the 2014 UK Research Excellence Framework, Edinburgh was ranked fourth in the UK and first in Scotland. The results also indicate that the university is home to over 35% of Scotland’s research.
- In 2008, the RAE rated the medicine and informatics 1st in the UK.
- Edinburgh places within the top 10 in the UK and 2nd in Scotland for the employability of its graduates as ranked by recruiters from the UK’s major companies.
- Edinburgh was ranked 13th overall in The Sunday Times 10-year average (1998–2007) ranking of British universities based on consistent league table performance.
- The QS World University Rankings 2015 ranked Edinburgh 17th in the world.
- The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016 ranked Edinburgh 24th in the world.
- In 2015, the Academic Ranking of World Universities placed Edinburgh as 47th overall and 6th in the UK.
- Edinburgh is ranked 31st in the world (5th in the UK) in the 2016 Round University Ranking.
University of Edinburgh Acceptance Rate
To study at university of Edinburgh in 2021, have in mind that Edinburgh university is one of the most selective public universities in the world yet it receives approximately 60,000 applications every year, making it the second most popular university in the UK by volume of applications. This accounts for its high competitive rate and a very low acceptance rate of 10%.
What this means is that only 10 out of every 100 applicants are granted admission into the school. Successful applicants typically have “A” averages and SAT/ACT scores that are significantly above average (a combined SAT score above 1300 is typical).
According to its admissions website, three of the most vital factors in a successful application are intellectual ability, academic achievement, and personal qualities that will contribute to the work of the University.
University of Edinburgh Undergraduate Tuition Fees
Tuition at the university of Edinburgh is dependent on the program and class of courses applied for which includes Classroom, Mixed, Laboratory, and Clinical teachings.
Classroom Teaching
takes place in a classroom or ordinary lecture theatre. Subjects with classroom teaching might include history, maths, and philosophy. The tuition fee for its undergraduate is £18,800 and postgraduate is £20,500
Mixed Subjects
taught in classrooms and laboratories, such as languages.
Laboratory Teaching
Much of the teaching may take place in a laboratory and includes biology, chemistry, and physics. The tuition fee for its undergraduate is £24,600 and postgraduate is £25,100
Clinical Teaching
Clinical subjects can include dentistry, medicine, and veterinary medicine. The tuition fee for its undergraduate is £32,100-£49,900 and postgraduate is £41,700.
The above-mentioned fees are for international students. The tuition fee for local students is £1820 (for locals of Edinburgh) and £9,250 (other UK locals)
University of Edinburgh Accommodation
Every freshman or new international undergraduates are guaranteed an offer of university accommodation for their first year of study.
All undergraduate residents are spread evenly amongst UK/EU students in university accommodation.
Postgraduate research students are guaranteed an offer of accommodation during all years of studying at the university. Postgraduate taught students coming from outside the EU are guaranteed an offer of accommodation.
Students may stay in their accommodation during vacations.
University of Edinburgh Address
University of Edinburgh is situated and located at Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, UK
Work: +44 (0)131 650 1000
Fax: +44 (0)131 650 2147
Web: Contact us using our online form at
University of Edinburgh Scholarships
Undergraduate scholarships
Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Maths Scholarships
A number of scholarships are offered to Mathematics students of outstanding ability from countries outside the European Union for the academic session 2021-2022.
The Richard Davidson Undergraduate International Scholarship for Agricultural Science
One scholarship is available for overseas students studying a full-time programme within The Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security in the 2021-2022 academic year.
Biomedical Sciences Scholarships – Zhejiang
Scholarships are available for international undergraduate students at the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute in Haining, China
Robertson International Scholarships
The School of History, Classics, and Archaeology is offering up to 10 undergraduate scholarships to overseas students beginning their studies in September 2021.
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies International Scholarship
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies is offering two scholarships for overseas students beginning their studies on the BVM&S full-time programme in the 2021-2022 academic year.
Postgraduate Scholarships
Funding for UK/EU students
In addition to financial assistance provided by Research Councils and charitable trusts, the University offers a number of general and subject-specific funding schemes.
Online Distance Learning Scholarships
The University offers several scholarships specifically for online, part-time postgraduate programmes.
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