With the recent advancement in education. It might interest you to know that there are some courses you can obtain a degree in under a space of two years. These degrees could be obtained through virtual learning online, Physical attendance, or special programs.
Our update today, is to put candidates through on how you can obtain a Two Year Civil Engineering Degree Online 2022. We shall also be highlighting top undergraduate civil engineering schools and 2 year civil engineering degree requirements.
Two Year Civil Engineering Degree Online 2022
We wish to state that for the records, a two-year civil engineering degree is far different from the regular 4 years civil engineering degree. What the Two Year Civil Engineering Degree affords you is an Associate Degree in any of the engineering courses.
You can also merge the Associate degree with the four years degree. It might also interest you to know that there are 2-year civil engineering Jobs you can apply with this Associate degree. An associate degree in civil engineering includes courses such as surveying, mathematics, mapping, physics, engineering, hydraulics, and mechanics. The two-year study program trains students in the use of current hardware, software, and instrumentation in civil engineering.
Advantages of 2 year Civil Engineering Online
Like we said earlier, this opportunity provides a platform for many to fulfill their civil engineering dreams while still chasing other aspirations. This is because you can get your Engineering Degree Online and straight from the comfort of your home.
Candidates in the course of this program are exposed to different specialization which they can decide to major into. In addition to that students are also presented with different lines of 2-year civil engineering Jobs they can do. 2-year civil engineering degree annual salary is placed at $46,900 as of 2011 in the United States. It is believed that it has risen significantly over the years.
Ensure that you enroll for a 2 year civil engineering course that is accredited by ABET (Accreditation Body for Engineering and Technology). This will make it easier for you to obtain your professional certification in the program.
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Two Year Civil Engineering Degree Requirements
The requirements for 2 year Civil Engineering Online has been compiled by our team here read below.
- Candidates must have completed and obtained their High School Diploma or a GED.
- You are also expected to have scored at least a GPA of 2.0 in high school, though the requirements for GPA might differ especially for a 2-year civil engineering degree online in Canada.
- SAT and ACT are not compulsory if you are attending a community college.
Top Undergraduate Civil Engineering Schools
At the beginning, we stated we were going to outline top undergraduate civil engineering schools. Below are the ones compiled by our resource persons that are essential for this program.
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
The University of North Dakota is the oldest public university in North Dakota and offers bachelor’s and master’s programs in the fields of art and science, education, law, and medicine. UND was founded in 1883 and promotes creativity, research, inclusiveness, and diversity.
The courses use a mix of both synchronous and asynchronous formats. It has an acceptance rate of 83% while tuition fee is pegged at $20,047.
Visit the official website und.edu/programs/civil-engineering-bs/ to read more and apply.
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
The Bachelor Degree program at this university is taken online. Candidates must earn at least a minimum of 30 points. There is a deep concentration on construction management, structural planning, or site development.
Old Dominion to the best of our knowledge also takes up synchronous and asynchronous formats towards learning. The tuition fee is $6,330 while acceptance rate peaks at 85%.
Visit the official website www.odu.edu/cee to read more and apply.
Ferris State University
One of the most recommended universities for online and virtual learning is Ferris State University. The university concentrates more on preparing students for job opportunities they can get with a 2-year civil engineering course.
Ferris State Two Year Civil Engineering Degree Online courses are ACCE accredited. Students would have to pay for $12,949 while acceptance rate is currently peaked at 74%.
Visit the official website www.ferris.edu/homepage.htm to read more and apply.
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