Undergraduate Scholarships 2022 for Social Science Students

There is a popular notion that a good number of International Scholarships favor mostly those in Sciences and Linear professional courses. However, due to popular searches on Social Science Scholarships 2022 for International students, Scholarships for Social Science majors, and Social Science Scholarships for developing countries 2022 Xscholarship has compiled a list of Undergraduate Scholarships 2022 for Social Science Students you can benefit from.

A good number them especially the social science scholarships for developing countries 2022 are fully funded. Application for some of them cuts across different ages, countries and courses.

Read them up below.

Social Science Scholarships 2021 for International students

Undergraduate Scholarships 2022 for Social Science Students

Areas coverd by this Undergraduate Scholarships for Social Science Students include anthropology, sociology, economics, social work, political science, communication studies, and humanities-based majors like history, linguistic, and cultural studies among many others.

Barbara Newsome Sociology Internship Award

Coming first on our list Undergraduate Scholarships 2022 for Social Science Students is Barbara Newsome Sociology Internship Award. The Internship is for only Applicants offering sociology in school. The host institution is Uniersity of Minnesota in the United States.

Recipients receie $1,600 stipend for at least 35 internship hours related to the major.

Click here https://cla.umn.edu/sociology/undergraduate/scholarships-awards to apply.

Boren Scholarships for International Social Study

This Undergraduate Scholarships for Social Science Students appeals mainly to those that have interest in studying the challenges of global society, including sustainable development, disease and hunger, migration, and environmental degradation.

Recipients receie oer $20,000 in addition to other incentives.

Click here https://www.iie.org/Programs/Boren-Awards-for-International-Study to begin your Application.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship Program

The call to apply is only open to Latino students. Selection process is based on consistent active participation in civic engagement activities. Additionally, you must have enrolled for a fulltime course in a United States University before applying.

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The scholarship prize differs based on level of study. It gives $1,000 to associate degree, $2,500 to an undergraduate degree, and $5,000 to graduate degree Latino students in the social sciences.

Proceed to the application website https://www.unigo.com/scholarships/minority/hispanic-scholarships/congressional-hispanic-caucus-institute-chci-scholarship/3006 and apply.

David J. Ewing Scholarship Program

It is a Social Science Scholarships for International students whose parents died while in their prime and catering for them. David J. Ewing Scholarship Program was set up in hornor of former Director of Human Resources who cancer cut his life short at a young age.

Candidates must be fulltime undergraduate student at the University of Texas. Additionally, certain academic thresholds must be met before one can be considered for this Undergraduate Scholarships for Social Science Students.

Application website – https://unt.academicworks.com/opportunities/5576

Dr. Alma S. Adams Scholarships for Outreach and Health Communications

It is a Scholarships for Social Science majors aimed at proiting financial assistance to students adancing the cause of global health and Tobacco health dangers.

It is equally among Social Science Scholarships for developing countries 2022 because it offers preference to students from low-income communities.

Recipients receives as much as $5,000 for both graduate and undergraduate applicants.

Scholarship portal – https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/tobacco-prevention-efforts/alma-adams-scholarship-rewarding-student-action-make

Fred Frey Paper Competition Scholarships

We cannot complete list of Undergraduate Scholarships 2022 for Social Science Students without mentioning Fred Frey Paper Competition Scholarships. It was actually established in memory of the founder of Department of Sociology celebrating his contrbution to sociology education.

Only Louisiana Uniersity students can apply. Howeer, an exception could be made based on reccommendations. It allows just three scholarship slots. The scholarship covers tuiton fee and other incentives that comes with it.

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Apply here on the website https://www.lsu.edu/hss/sociology/undergraduate_program/awards.php.

Rachel and Jacob Bernstein Scholarship for Study Abroad

The Scholarship is a fully funded Undergraduate Scholarships for Social Science Students offered by University of Buffalo. It sponsors only Sociology degree.

Among the requirements are proof of financial need along with other conditions as stipulated in the website.

Click here http://inted.oie.buffalo.edu/studyabroad/sascholarship.asp to apply.

Presbyterian Student Opportunity Scholarship

It is a Social Science Scholarships for International students offered by the Presbyterian Church. It’s offered to college students by providing need-based aid for sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are full-time, first-degree students attending accredited institutions in the U.S.

Recipients receive $3000 in scholarship.

Howeer, only Prebyterian Church Members can apply.

Click here to apply https://www.presbyterianmission.org/wp-content/uploads/sos_application.pdf on the website.

For subsequent information on International Scholarships, subscribe to our Newsletter here at Apply for a Job.

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