Being a college student is very stressful. With the fact that you have to cope with student loans and debt, you need money to deal with college rigors. A great way to manage this crisis is to take advantage of student loans. Student loans can be in the form of financial aid or discounts offered to premium services. These premium services can include tech products, home appliances, and internet service. Verizon is a company that provides wireless internet service. This company offers Verizon students discounts that can be accessible by all. If you want to know more, read this article to the end. In this article, we discuss the Verizon Student discount, Verizon corporate discount, Verizon student plan cost, and Verizon international student plan.
The Brand Verizon
Verizon is an American wireless company that provides internet service. As of 2021, it had 142.8 million subscribers making it the largest wireless network in the United States. It was founded in 2000 by Bell Atlantic, a telecommunications firm that later became Verizon Communications. It had its headquarters in Basking, Ridge, New Jersey. Currently, it provides a 4G LTE network to over 99 percent of the United States population. Verizon covers 2.7 million users in 169 rural counties in the Rural American Program. These rural counties have 21 rural wireless carriers participating in the program.
In 2015, Verizon announced that it was making plans to develop a fifth-generation (5G) network. Verizon currently offers wireless phone services through Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. It also has a wireless home phone rather than using a traditional landline, and it sells wifi and hotspot devices branded as Jetpack. This router can connect up to 10 devices at once, although there is a zone where the wifi access from Verizon is still in use.
Verizon Student Discount
A student offer is a form of discount offered by large companies, organizations, and institutions to students making it expensive for them to purchase their goods and services. Although student discounts mainly apply to undergraduates in a college or a university, there are student discounts for those in high school. There are many ways these students’ discounts can be accessed. They come in the form of identification for students who shop offline and in the form of online vouchers and coupons for those who shop online.
There are student discounts from the big companies you’ve seen. Apple, Samsung, eBay, Microsoft, Google Store, Adidas, Nike, etc, offer students discounts. But in this article today, we will be focused on Verizon Student Discounts. The Verizon student discount offers exclusive options monthly to students, educators, and even government workers. This discount applies to your internet and cable. The Verizon brand offers student discounts, but the amazing thing is that you don’t have to be an existing member for you to sign up on the Verizon Students Plan that has unlimited access.
The only criteria needed is that you must be the account owner before you become eligible to apply. That is why you need to open a Verizon account. Having a Verizon student plan allows you to receive discounts from various streaming services. This includes Disney+, HBO max, Netflix, and more in 2022. The education discounts for students are called the Verizon Students Unlimited Plan. This allows you to save $25 for the first month on the regular price for two lines and save $10 on the first month for one line.
The current plans for the Verizon Student Discount include: 5G Start, 5G Do More, 5G Get More, and 5G Play More. These are the range of unlimited plans for students that allows you the freedom to binge and stay connected wherever you are. There are a few things you need to know about Verizon Student Discounts. They are:
- You must verify that you are a current student that is eligible for the discount. To do this, you must go to the Verizon website and click the tab for the Student Discount Page. Then you proceed to validate your identity with UNiDAYS.
- The Verizon Student Discount depends on how many phones are in possession of the student. One phone has a $10 discount a month, while two phones have a $25 discount.
- If you have been a customer of Verizon, you will need to sign up for the student discount offer. You will head over to the Verizon website and validate your status with UNiDAYS. Unidays plays a verification partner, so once you are through with this process, it means that you are an active student and you stand a chance to get access to kore student discounts.
- If you want to qualify for the student discount though you are not a customer with Verizon, log on to the Student Page and tap Shop. As a new customer, you have the option to choose 5G Start, 5G Do More, 5G Play More, and 5G Go More.
Eligibility Criteria for Verizon Student Discount?
You will qualify for the student discount from Verizon if you meet the following criteria:
- You must be enrolled in a higher learning program, whether it is an online learning program or an offline program. It can either be a vocational, undergraduate, or graduate program.
- You must live and reside in the United States.
- You must be an account manager or be the owner of your Verizon Plan.
- You must have a maximum of two smartphones. This is because the student discount is just limited to two accounts only. The discount no longer applies if you add a third phone to your use. You can add connected devices like tablets, smartwatches, and other wearables to your account. These devices do not count against the two smartphone limits.
- You must validate your current college status using the UNiDAYS platform whenever you register for the Verizon Student’s Unlimited Plan.
- If you live with your parents or guardians, you will not qualify for the Verizon Student Discount. This is because you will need to have your own Verizon account to be the account owner.
How Can I Get the Verizon Student Discount?
Here are the steps you have to follow to get your Verizon account working properly. They are:
- Head over to the Verizon website.
- Click on the three horizontal lines on the top right-hand corner. You will see a Shop icon; click on it.
- This will take you to the Verizon Plans. Click on the Student icon to go to the Verizon Student Plans.
- On the Verizon Students Plans Home page, click on Get Started.
- Confirm your eligibility with UNiDAYS using their verification tool.
- When this is done, head back to Verizon and register your account.
- After the registrations, you will be sent an email from Verizon to tell you that you are all set.
Verizon Student Discount Code.
Though you get the opportunity to save as much as $25 using a Verizon Student account, Verizon does not offer any coupons as of date. Though there are a lot of benefits, you should register for a Verizon account so that you’ll be notified whenever they start to announce their coupon codes. The Student Discount depends on how many you have attached to your existing plan. There is an option for a single line $10 discount per account and another option for two lines $25 discount per account. This discount remains valid for four years.
So you have four years of unlimited access to the internet and the leverage to binge on your favorite streaming channels like Disney and more. This remains open to new and existing customers of Verizon, whether you are an undergraduate, a graduate, or you are enrolled in a postgraduate degree. There are many other ways you can take advantage of the Verizon Student Plans to maximize its use. They include:
- Free Activation Deals: This isn’t a one-off purchase whenever you sign up for Verizon Student Plan. You can get new activations for phones and other plans you purchase when you sign in to Verizon.
- Amazon: You can check the global retail store, Amazon for Verizon items cause Amazon sells products from Verizon at a reasonable discount rate.
- eBay: You can also get Verizon products from eBay at a discounted rate.
- Free Shipping: This is another way to save costs as a student. I don’t know about you, but I cringe whenever I have to pay for shipping and purchase. Whenever you buy a tech device from Verizon, you stand a chance to get free two days shipping at no cost.
- Verizon Student Codes: This is one of the most significant benefits of the Verizon Student Plan. You stand a chance to save $100 whenever you buy a new activation or register a new line. Although this is not currently in force, always endeavor to keep an eye on the Verizon homepage and check their social media handles whenever this offer comes up.
Verizon Student Discount Terms and Conditions.
Evidence is required for a student who is enrolled in high school, college, graduate, or postgraduate program in the United States. This form of education can either be an offline or online program. This offer remains valid for four consecutive years as long as the required conditions are met, which are stated above. This discount is only valid for one or two lines. If the user has three lines, the discount no longer applies. The eligible students must be owners or managers of the stated account with at most one offer per account.
Although location largely determines internet connectivity, the internet service may be unusually slower than normal. Domestic data roaming speed is at 2G. The plans for Verizon Student Discount include 50GB/month/line for Play More, 50GB/month/line for Do More, 50GB/month/line for getting More. To check your status, head over to the Verizon Customer section. Go to the Verizon Discount Page and enter your phone number – Verizon Wireless. This number must be associated with your Verizon account. Log into your account and validate your procedure.
Verizon International Student Plan.
In the world we live in today, there is an abundance of smartphone tools and apps for every person traveling outside the shores of their country. There exist a wide range of messaging platforms, planning apps, translators, keyboards, and maps for students who plan on a study abroad trip. In areas where cultural barriers, time zone differences, and language dialects occur, there is a need for smartphone tools to cope with the challenge. Verizon has taken the lead and shown a vast range of international student plans to cope in a foreign country. Each Verizon International student plan comes with its own cost and benefits. To get started with the Verizon International Student Plan:
- Visit a store with your international passport with two lines and no deposit: You are required to bring an international student passport with a valid student visa. If you are not obliged to hold a student visa as an international student, there is no need to worry. You can come with your student ID together with an international student passport.
- Activate your device: You can choose to purchase our range of 4G LTE services or choose our SIM Card-capable smartphones. These are the very best you can get at a low price. You can still come with it if you already have a smartphone for activation.
- Choose your plan: You can choose the Verizon Unlimited Plan for unlimited data, call, and text. Another available option is to select the New Version Plan. This plan allows you to get Carryover Data, Safety Mode, Unlimited talk, Unlimited text, and many more. There is an option for you to switch plans and sizes anytime you want.
There are several direct and indirect stores you can use to complete your purchase. Be warned against purchasing from any of the following retail stores as an International Student: Best Buy, Walmart, Costco, Target, Apple, Sam’s Club, Wireless Advocates, Qwest, LINK, COMCAST, STAPLES, and Radio Shack. We are aware that many students already have a phone plan, but it is important to verify if your phone plan will work outside your country of origin. To do this, head over to Will My Phone Work (
This is a site that allows you to check the status of your phone as regards international carriers. Verizon’s Unlimited Plan will continue to work outside the United States as the plan extends to Canada and Mexico. If, as an international student, your phone plan does not work in the country where you reside, you should consider various international student plans. Things to look out for when you are choosing an international phone plan includes:
- The discounts offered should be specifically for international students.
- There should be programs for unlimited talk and text. This enables you to maintain contact with your friends and family.
- There should be an adequate data plan for all your academic needs
- There must be adequate coverage for your study abroad destination.
Verizon Corporate Discount.
Verizon also offers huge discounts to people in the corporate world. This includes those in government or non-governmental associations, education employees, valued service members as well as veterans. This discount enables employees to save on their monthly phone services, accessories, and add ons. Although this discount varies if your organization has terms of agreement with Verizon, employees can qualify for up to 10% to 25% discount on their monthly bills. Employees can also save up to 25% off on their accessories and various add-on features.
Companies that have taken advantage of these bonuses include Bank of America, Coca-cola, Walmart, Starbucks, American Express, and more. If you are an employee in your organization and you want to know if your company offers this discount, do well to check with your Human Resources department or with Verizon. If you run a business and you want to add your company to the Verizon Corporate discount, you can contact a Verizon enterprise consultant through their website and discuss exactly what you want.
You can also go to the Verizon Corporate Discount page on their website and check if your business is already registered with them. This can be tricky because you will have to know the email account that your company uses in signing up for a Verizon Corporate Discount. If you don’t know this information, you will be unable to access your details. If you still want to access the Verizon Corporate Discount and you do not have access to the email address needed, you can contact the customer service of Verizon, and they will surely help out. You should be prepared to verify your identity and ensure that you have the clearance permit to access this account and change it.
Managing Your Verizon Corporate Discount.
If you check the Verizon site and find out that your company does not appear as a registered business, you can visit Verizon Employee Support to learn more about how the sign-up process works. As earlier stated, you must be the account owner or the account manager of your company’s Verizon account to access and make changes to it. There currently is no way for you to sign up and register your company with Verizon online. You will have to contact and call Verizon Employee Support to know which discounts are available and which discount you can preferably offer to your employees. The Verizon support will assist you with the contract terms and signing up.
There is no need for you to have the same support network as retail customers to sign up on Verizon. You should check Verizon Enterprise Support for more information. Mind you, you cannot sign a company for the Verizon Employee Discount as an employee of that same company. You will have to be the account manager of that company’s Verizon account. Also, you can’t sign up a company for the Verizon Corporate Discount with your account. You will need to have a separate business account from your account.
Verizon Support System.
Verizon does not provide the specifics on the process for signing up your company for the employee discount. The first place you should start is by calling Verizon Enterprise support and talking to a representative. By offering Verizon company employee discounts to your employees, you show them an excellent way to save money. This also gives you one more benefit that you can use to help your employees and let them know that you care. Verizon does not post its eligibility requirements for signing up for the employee discount plan.
So endeavor that you contact their business department and ask for the specifics. They currently do not offer a single-employee discount package, but they work out a custom plan that is right for your business. As earlier stated, the best place to start is on their enterprise solutions website.
Saving up to $10 or $25 a month is a great thing to do as a student. Only Verizon offers this benefit, so you should take advantage of this huge opportunity. The Verizon Student Discount is available for both resident and international students who have authenticated their identity with UNiDAYS. This can be done on the Verizon website. For more information, you can contact Verizon support on how this should be done.
Frequently Asked Questions.
How much are Verizon discounts for students?
The options available are a $10-per-month discount on a single line or a $25-per-month discount on two lines.
How can I get Verizon discounts for college students?
Go to the Verizon home page and find out more info or read this article to the end. The homepage of Verizon is
Is the Verizon student plan available to high school students?
Verizon discount is only available to students in a recognized higher education institution. There is also a Verizon Teachers discount.
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