Top 10 Free Online Courses in Nutrition in 2022

Nutrition is part of our daily life commitment and we can’t run away from nutrition. This article contains what nutrition is all about and how to get started with strong nutrition in other to sustain a good and healthy life.

Are you looking to start a career in nutrition and don’t know why you should choose nutrition as a career/course? This article provides you with reasons why you should study nutrition and the benefits of studying nutrition.

Or are you a nutritionist and still want to expand and gain more knowledge in your career part?

Here is a top guide to take you through all you need to know.

This article contains the top ten courses in nutrition with free certificates in 2022.

Free Online Courses in Nutrition

A simple Explanation of Nutrition

To understand how foods affect the human body, nutritionists apply concepts from molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics.

Nutrition also examines how people can use dietary choices to lower their risk of disease, as well as what occurs when a person consumes too much or too little of a nutrient and how allergies function.

Nutrients are the building blocks of life. Nutrients include proteins, carbs, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water. People are more likely to acquire certain health disorders if their diet lacks the proper mix of nutrients.

Human nutrition is concerned with obtaining needed nutrients from food to sustain human life and health.  In humans, poor nutrition can lead to deficiency-related diseases like blindness, anemia, scurvy, preterm birth, stillbirth, and criticism well as nutrient-excess health-threatening conditions like obesity and metabolic syndrome, and common chronic systemic diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.   In acute situations of malnutrition, wasting can occur, and in chronic cases of malnutrition, marasmus can be stunted.

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Reasons Why You Should Study Nutrition

1. You Are Dedicated To Assisting Others

Good food can heal. We know this because James’ father, Roy, experienced it firsthand. Anyone working in the nutrition sector, or the broader health and wellness industry, has the responsibility of inspiring others to be their happiest, healthiest selves. Nutrition may be the path for you if you’re a friend or family member who is recognized for assisting others.

2. Want To Better The Quality Of Your Own Life

Consider how much money you spend each year on appointments with doctors, specialists, or even holistic practitioners. What if there were a simpler way to better the quality of your life? You’ll be able to address any health difficulties at their source and begin to live a life of prevention rather than therapy if you arm yourself with the knowledge and education you need.

3. To Take Your Love Of Good Food And Living A Healthy Lifestyle To The Next Level

You’ve seen the movies, read the books, and listened to the podcasts, but there’s still something missing! I’m familiar with the sensation; I’ve had it before. Studying nutrition sparked a new level of interest in health and fitness in me. It not only allowed me to transform a hobby into a career, but it also gave me a better knowledge of why this approach to our health is so vital.

4. The Wellness Industry Is Exploding

Paul Zane Pilzer, an economist, projected in 2001 that the wellness sector would be the next trillion-dollar industry. And he was correct! The worldwide wellness sector is worth $US4.5 trillion, according to the Australian Financial Review. Clean eating, juices, superfoods, milk, supplements, skincare routines and self-care baths, boutique gyms, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, CBD oils, crystals, alternative medicine, holistic anything — wellness has never been more tempting (or lucrative). And monetary value aside, the sector is thriving because it is a positive environment that solves many problems.

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5. You’re looking for a way to supplement your existing training.

Maybe you’re a personal trainer who wants to improve your nutrition knowledge, or maybe you have a conventional dietetics degree but want to branch out into holistic health. You could even be a doctor or practitioner who is dissatisfied with your nutrition education! Regardless of where you’re coming from, holistic nutrition education can help you improve (or lay the ground

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Top 10 Free Online Courses in Nutrition

1. Diploma in Human Nutrition-Revised

Brian Linshield, Associate Professor at Kansas State University, is teaching this free course through Alison. It’s part of Alison’s diploma program, which is a more in-depth study path with a free certificate and assessment.

Human Nutrition-Revised is an academic third-level course that has been taken by over 100,000 students and covers topics such as:

• Functional Foods, Phytochemicals, and Zoochemical

• Digestion, absorption, elution, and defense

The free online nutrition course is comprehensive and is part of the Alison Platform’s Fundamentals of Nursing curriculum.

Click here to apply

2. Nutrition: Vitamins and Mineral Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals

The Open University’s Open Learn is an online learning platform. It is a charitable institution dedicated to providing everyone with an easy-to-navigate learning experience. It was founded in 2006 by the Royal Charter of England and Wales. Over 900 short courses, ranging in length from one to 100 hours, are available on the site, along with hundreds of videos, audios, games, quizzes, and articles.

Students will study the primary minerals as well as the two major vitamin groups in the Nutrition: Vitamins and Minerals course.

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3. Nutrition Masterclass

This 93-lecture session, led by fitness and dieting specialist Felix Harder, is jam-packed with information for people looking to enhance their health through better eating. Harder discusses major diet fads including paleo, gluten-free, and intermittent fasting, as well as how to change your diet to gain or lose weight.

He explains how to properly read a nutrition label and what vitamins and minerals you should include in your diet. Harder isn’t the most charismatic public speaker, but his lectures are neatly divided into logical pieces ranging from one to six minutes in length, with the entire course clocking in at four hours and two minutes.

Because the course comes with lifelong access, you can take as much time as you like or complete it in a single weekend. You can Apply Here for this course.

4. Nutrition and Cancer

The Nutrition and Cancer course is exactly what it says it is, and it is designed to offer students an understanding of the link between cancer and the foods we eat. It covers the evidence-based WCRF/IARC guidelines for cancer prevention, the relationship between genes and nutrition, and lifestyle and nutritional recommendations for cancer survivors.  

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5. Child Nutrition and Cooking

The course covers the health problems associated with the obesity pandemic in the United States, as well as how to cook healthy, tasty meals that appeal to both children and adults.

As parents, educators, and health care providers, course graduates are prepared to address the dietary requirements of children.

How to calculate a balanced meal, how to navigate supermarkets, and how to make food choices that are good for both you and the environment are among the topics covered. Course.

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6. Food as Medicine

Another great course from Monash University, this one on the relationship between health and nutrition, is available at Future Learn. You’ll use nutritional science to assist you to walk the road toward treating food as medicine during the free online nutrition course. You’ll find out about it. The use of food as medicine has a long history.

• Antioxidants, phytochemicals, micronutrients, and macronutrients

• The connection between food and the gut-brain system

• Nutrition’s involvement in pregnancy and fertility

• Our genome and food.  

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7. Human Nutrition: Introduction to Micronutrients

This free course, which is a companion to the macronutrients course, focuses on the micronutrients that are also important in a healthy diet.

The course starts with an overview of vitamins and minerals, including both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Antioxidants are highlighted, with entire courses devoted to vitamin E, vitamin C, and Selenium.

Students should be able to name and define vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and the mechanisms by which they are absorbed, metabolized, and excreted after completing the course. This course, like the macronutrients course, is taught by author and associate professor Brian Lindshield.

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8. Online Nutrition Course

Abby Courtenay, RD, a registered dietitian, teaches Shaw Academy’s Online Nutrition Course. The training is spread out over four weeks, with two lessons per week. These include everything from a primer on the human body to overviews of carbs, proteins, lipids, and micronutrients. It also includes a lesson on the necessity and role of hydration in the diet, as well as a final lesson on body measures, unlike many nutrition courses.

This is the first of four modules leading to an evidence-based EQF (European Qualification Framework) diploma in nutrition, with later modules addressing more advanced principles and disease prevention. You can get started with Shaw Academy.

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9. Diet & Nutrition Coach Certification: Create Diet Plans, Coach Others & Build Your Business

This comprehensive certification course will get you started on the path to becoming a health coach. It’s comprehensive but not overly long, with 71 lessons crammed into a little over three hours. The following topics will be covered in the classes:

Macronutrients, micronutrients, and calories in nutrition theory

Assisting your clients in getting in shape and gaining muscle

 Detailed explanations of all key dietary trends

Minerals and vitamins

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10. Introduction to Sports Nutrition Certification

This course is structured similarly to many of our other classes, with modules on carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as information on micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.

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The main distinction between this course and others is that it focuses on sports nutrition and how athletes should eat to retain their best health.

Sports nutrition is a developing topic as research into how nutrition influences athletes’ performance, whether they are weekend warriors or Olympians, progresses. Although this course is only 2.5 hours long, it provides an excellent overview of what it takes to become a sports nutritionist. Apply Now

Adult Health Benefits of Healthy Eating

Adults’ benefits of proper diet are depicted in this illustration.

  1. It might be able to help you live longer.
  2. Maintains the health of the skin, teeth, and eyes.
  3. Immune system booster
  4. Bones are strengthened.
  5. Reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer in some people.
  6. Aids in the proper functioning of the digestive system and supports healthy pregnancies and nursing.
  7. Aids in the attainment and maintenance of a healthy weight sports nutritionist.

Children’s Health Benefits of Healthy Eating

Children’s health benefits are depicted in this illustration.

  1. Maintains the health of the skin, teeth, and eyes.
  2. Aids in the attainment and maintenance of a healthy weight
  3. Bones are strengthened.
  4. Supports the development of the brain
  5. Encourages healthy development.
  6. Immune system booster
  7. Aids to the proper functioning of the digestive system


In conclusion, Nutrition is among the top ten recognized and paying courses. Choosing a career path in Nutrition is a way to success. If you are looking for a course to study and does not have any course in mind, then Nutrition is one of the best course to study.

Nutrition is what we are we need in our everyday life and to get started, choose any of the above learning platforms and start studying.

Nutrition courses are very popular, Living in a world where good health matters a lot to everyone facilitates the reasons why you should study Nutrition.

To defend against malnutrition, Hospitals are willing to pay a lot for nutritionists to educate people on the effects of malnutrition.

FAQ on Top free 10 courses In Nutrition

How do I start studying nutrition?

whether you want to be a nutritionist or a registered dietitian.
Earn a bachelor’s degree in a health-related field.
Further your education with a master’s degree or doctoral program in nutrition.
Gain experience through an internship.

Is nutrition a good course?

Nutrition and Dietetics a good career option is that a career in nutrition and dietetics will yield a brighter future and gradually hold pace towards the overall development of the sector.

Can I study nutrition online?

Cofounded by Harvard and MIT, edX is an online learning platform offering thousands of classes from some of the top-rated universities in the world. More than 70 million people have enrolled in courses through edX, and they offer some of the best free online nutrition courses you will find.

How many years is a nutrition course?

3 years

Which is better nutritionist or dietitian?

needs, they have different qualifications. In the United States, dietitians are certified to treat clinical conditions, whereas nutritionists are not always certified.


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