Free Medical Billing and Coding Online Courses

Every doctor and clinic requires a knowledgeable and trustworthy individual who can submit accurate claims to insurance companies for payment. If you want to be that person, you can pursue a career in medical billing and coding. A career as a medical biller and coder is a fantastic way to give back to the medical community. You don’t have to be concerned about where to begin. We’ll connect you with free medical billing and coding online courses that include certificates and other helpful hints that will help you along your career path.

You can get a certificate in medical billing and coding in as little as four weeks if you take advantage of accelerated online courses. There are, however, a number of medical billing and coding courses that allow you to earn the same certificate in a shorter amount of time. You can choose the ones that correspond to your professional objectives.

Free Medical Billing And Coding Online Courses

Why Should You Take Online Medical Billing and Coding Courses for Free?

In recent years, online education has clearly become one of the most popular higher education options. You don’t have to take classes on campus to get a degree; online courses are a great way to meet your educational objectives. It’s often possible to find an online program that is right for you, whether you want to study as a hobby, improve your knowledge in specific areas, or learn a new skill. According to a study, more than 6 million students in the United States are enrolled in at least one online course. Over 2 million students are pursuing a degree entirely online.

Similar figures can be found in the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia. When you take free medical billing and coding courses online, you can study in the classroom of your choice instead of going to a campus-based institution. You communicate with your professors and classmates via e-mail, electronic forums, videoconferencing, social media chat rooms, and other forms of computer-based interaction during your classes. An online training system and tools for creating a virtual classroom are frequently included in the programs.

What Is the Difference Between a Medical Biller and A Coder?

Medical billers and coders are specialists in the management of healthcare facilities, patient data, invoices, payment processing, and related insurance data. They frequently work in a doctor’s office, hospital, rehabilitation center, or nursing home. Their job functions may differ slightly depending on the specifics of where they work, but for the most part, they are the same. As a medical coder, you can expect to perform the following tasks:

  1. To accurately assign billing codes, review patient files for doctor’s notes on condition, procedures, and office visits.
  2. Collaborate with doctors, nurses, medical assistants, and patients to ensure data accuracy.
  3. Insurance companies are billed for services rendered.
  4. Examine claim information for accuracy, proper signatures, and any prior authorizations that may be required.
  5. Audit denied claims due to inaccuracy and provided a reason for the denial.
  6. Once missing information is received, the insurance companies resent the claim.
  7. During the billing process, be aware of and respect the patient’s privacy.

How to Select the Most Appropriate Medical Billing and Coding Certificate or Degree

The type of certificate or degree you want to earn should be the first consideration when deciding on the best option for your medical billing and coding education. Most employers prefer that you have an associate’s degree, but a certificate in medical billing is acceptable. A bachelor’s degree in medical coding and billing, on the other hand, is an option. Before you enroll in a medical billing and coding course, there are a few things you should think about.

1. Previous Schooling

If you already have some college credits, have taken extra courses, attended a vocational college, or have attended any other post-secondary school, the accelerated medical billing and coding program you choose may allow you to transfer some of your credits.

2. Accreditation of Medical Programs

Employers frequently seek candidates with a reputable educational background, which necessitates training from a recognized institution. If you want to continue your education, make sure the certification or program you choose is accredited or that the college, trade school, or institution where you get your certification is accredited, even if you aren’t paying for it. Credits earned at an unaccredited institution are unlikely to transfer to a two-year or four-year college or university.

3. Medical Coding and Billing Certification Timeline

Another thing to think about is the length of medical coding training. If you need a job as soon as possible, enrolling in an online medical coding and billing program will be the quickest way to your new career. If you have the time and money to devote to college, you should consider earning an associate’s or even a bachelor’s degree.

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What Is the Procedure for Obtaining a Medical Coding and Billing Certification?

In fact, there isn’t much difference between applying for free online certification courses and applying for on-campus learning. You’ll take the same steps and submit the same documents. Take a look at the enrollment procedures and considerations listed below.

1. Choose the school and programs to which you want to apply.

The first step is to select a school and program; you must obtain a form and complete the registration process.

2. Fill out the online application form

You’ll be asked to create an account, which will include some personal information, during the registration process. Uploading electronic versions of your passport photo, curriculum vitae, personal statement, and any other relevant documents is also required. The next step is to pay all of your tuition and fees. If it is, however, tuition-free, it will be noted.

3. Interview

The majority of online courses may require an interview, which can be done over the phone or via Skype. A Skype interview is identical to a traditional interview. In this case, make sure your computer camera is working properly and that your internet connection is strong. Also, dress formally, as if you were going to an offline interview.

4. Lectures should begin.

After you’ve completed the online registration and interview, you’ll be able to choose your degree level and course of study, and you’ll be able to enroll in classes.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Free Online Medical Coding and Billing Certification Course?

Online classes come in a variety of lengths. Some can be completed in as little as five weeks, while others do not require a year to complete. A typical Medical Coding and Billing Certification online program last 8 weeks, but it could take up to 10 weeks, depending on the program provider. On the other hand, free training might take less time to complete. Furthermore, you must realize that the duration of your online courses is entirely within your control. Most instructors, for example, post assignments at the start of the program. So, if a free medical billing and coding course is supposed to last eight to nine weeks, you can finish and submit the work whenever you want.

Are Online Medical Billing and Coding Courses Free?

Not all medical billing and certification courses are available for free on the internet. Some websites may offer free online medical billing and coding certification programs that provide you with basic medical billing and coding information and knowledge. However, you may have to pay a fee to obtain medical billing and coding certifications. The following is a list of websites where you can get free medical billing and coding online courses and certificates.

#1. PPMC Academy Inc. on Udemy

PPMC Academy Inc. is dedicated to providing high-quality medical practice management education at a reasonable cost. They provide medical billing and coding, front desk administration, and practice management training to physician practices, hospitals, and other organizations. Exam reviews are also available from PPMC Academy for those planning to take an AHIMA, AAPC, or similar coding certification exam. When you sign up for its free medical billing and coding course, you’ll get access to free live webinars on a variety of medical billing and coding topics all year. We have several options to fit your schedule and budget, whether you prefer an instructor-led or self-paced course. Currently, 4,246 students are enrolled in this program. The following topics are covered in training:

  • responsibilities of a medical coder
  • responsibilities of a medical biller
  • Coding for diagnostic purposes
  • Coding of procedures
  • Choices in education

2. Southern Careers Institute

Students can take advantage of employer-tailored programs at Southern Careers Institute to help them prepare for long-term success. Their medical billing training program covers the first certification fee. Keep in mind that to receive proper preparation through this free medical training or courses, you must have additional certification.

3. offers some free online medical coding training. You’ll get access to a 1-hour total video online course material that covers medical billing and coding topics as part of this program. The coursework thoroughly and practically covers the fundamentals of medical billing and coding. You’ll also have access to a long and short video presentation containing course material.

4. Quizlet

Quizlet is a great place to find free online medical billing and coding certification courses. Quizlet is the world’s largest online teacher and student community, dedicated to assisting students in becoming highly skilled masters in whatever subject they are studying. From a variety of teachers and students, there are a variety of free medical billing and coding lessons, study guides, and tests available. Medical billing and coding study sets are also available. It provides free online medical coding training.

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5. is another great site where you can get some free resources to help you learn medical billing and coding. You’ll have access to a number of free medical billing and coding courses and resources, including the following:

  • The medical billing terms: Designed to help you understand medical billing terminology.
  • Medical Billing and Coding Careers Guide: For those considering a career as a medical biller or coder, provide a 15-page overview of medical billing and coding.
  • Medical Billing Insurance Claim Flowchart: This free medical tool uses a flowchart to explain how the healthcare claim process works and how to work with insurance claims billing.


This website offers video lectures on medical billing and coding in all of its forms. It will be extremely helpful if you want to start your own billing and coding practice. Its free online medical billing and coding certification programs are a good place to start for beginners.

7. New York Institute of Career Development (NYICD)

Unlike other medical billing and coding schools, NYICD offers students a higher level of support. You can enroll and begin your courses at any time. Simply sign up and begin taking the first set of free online medical billing and coding certification courses right away. The cost of the study materials and the exam will cover the school.

Certificated Online Medical Billing and Coding Courses for Free

What you need right now will determine how easy it is to find the best medical billing and coding online courses with certificates. While there are many online medical billing and coding courses with certificates available, here are some free medical billing and coding online courses to get you started.

1. What is Medical Coding and Billing By Udemy

A free medical billing and coding course is available on Udemy, and it is an introductory course in medical billing and coding. Medical coder tasks, medical biller tasks, diagnostic coding, procedural coding, and education options will all be covered in this course. You will also learn how to gain work experience if you complete the free medical billing and coding course.

2. Cybersecurity in Healthcare by

As part of the project, this free online medical billing and coding certification program was created. It has adjustable deadlines and a certificate that can be shared. Its free online medical billing and coding certification program is entirely online, and no prior experience is required. In 15 hours, you can complete this free online medical coding course with a certificate.

3. Medical Billing and Coding Fundamentals

Individuals who complete their coursework at Ensign college can earn a medical billing and coding fundamentals certificate. Students who take free online medical billing and coding classes will be prepared to work in coding and billing departments and facilities at medical clinics. Participants will be able to demonstrate accurate and efficient billing and medical coding principles after completing this course. They’ll learn how to read and interpret patient charts and surgical notes.

4. The Use of AI and Big Data to Improve Global Health

This Future Learn course isn’t focused on medical coding and billing specifically but rather on AI and big data in the medical field as a whole. If you want to work as a medical coding and billing specialist, you’ll need this background. Future Learn is a massive open online course platform and educational website that offers a rotating class schedule based on the colleges and universities it is affiliated with.

5. Basics of Medical Coding & Billing

Free Medical Billing Training is a great resource for people who want to learn about medical coding and billing but can’t afford to pay for training or a paid course. The site offers a free, condensed version of their popular premium medical coding and billing course, which includes more than 50 video lectures.

6. Learn Medical Billing in One hour

While you wouldn’t think that medical coding and billing could be learned in an hour, Dr. Chrono’s crash course does an excellent job. Dr. Chrono is a YouTube channel that offers free educational videos on medical coding and billing and other healthcare topics. Udemy is a self-designed course network that allows instructors to create and publish their own courses based on their own pricing and interest levels. Hundreds of paid and free courses on a wide range of professional and artistic topics are available on the site.

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7. Video Tutorials for Medical Coding & Billing

Certification in Medical Billing and Coding On their website, MB&CC offers five free video lessons that teach the fundamentals of medical coding and billing. The mission of MB&CC is to educate students about the medical coding and billing industry as a whole and provide educational opportunities and information on how to start their own medical coding and billing practice.

Certification in Medical Coding and Billing

Medical coding and billing positions require both financial and medical knowledge. You must be able to bill patients accurately, submit insurance claims, and keep accurate patient health records. You’ll usually need at least one of the following medical billing and coding certifications to work in medical coding:

  • Certified Professional Coder (CPC): This certification shows that you have a thorough understanding of medical billing codes and evaluation and management (E/M) procedures. You must also show that you can follow instructions and code rules.
  • Certified Coding Specialist (CCS): To earn this certificate, you must demonstrate a high level of dedication, coding expertise, and professional competence in all medical settings. It is particularly useful for those interested in learning about the coding side of medical billing and coding.
  • Certified Coding Associate (CCA): This credential verifies that you have mastered the skill of categorizing medical data from patient records.

What Can I Do With an Online Certification in Medical Billing and Coding?

Certification in medical billing and coding can lead to lucrative job opportunities. Clinical analyst positions, regulating and improving clinical practices, optimizing workflows, interpreting data, and developing solutions are all available to professionals in this field. Their job is to build, manage, and improve the information technology framework of a company. With a Medical Billing and Coding certification, you can work in a variety of positions.

How Much Do Online Medical Billing And Coding Courses Cost?

We recommend contacting potential medical billing and coding schools directly for actual degree prices. On the other hand, knowing national averages gives prospective college students a starting point for comparison. According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, Bachelor’s degree aspirants spent an average of $24,623 on tuition, fees, housing, and board in 2018-19. Students at public colleges paid only $18,383 in fees in the same year. Attending online medical billing and coding colleges can help students save money on their education. Living with a relative and going to school online saves money on housing, food, and transportation. Students should fill out the FAFSA to see if they qualify for federally subsidized loans or grants. Finally, scholarships lower overall tuition costs, which we will discuss in greater depth in the following section.

Georgia Medical Billing And Coding Salary

As of January 27, 2023, the average Medical Billing And Coding salary in Atlanta, GA, is $77,109. In Atlanta, GA, the average salary for some of our most popular Medical Billing And Coding job titles is shown in the table below. Salaries vary widely depending on a variety of factors such as position, location, years of experience, and educational attainment.


Free medical billing training may seem appealing at first, especially to students on a budget who want to pursue a lucrative and interesting career in health care, but free courses are not always a good idea. If you choose the free route, you will face a number of disadvantages that will significantly reduce your chances of finding work. However, you should not dismiss a free Medical Billing and Coding certification opportunity because it could help you develop foundational skills and gain the experience you need to work in any healthcare setting. Take advantage of the programs mentioned in this article; they will assist you in pursuing a variety of careers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money can I make with an online medical billing and coding certification?

The average salary for health information technicians with two credentials is $64,890, according to Billing and coding specialists with three or more credentials earn an annual salary of $70,608 on average. To take advantage of this, simply sign up for free medical billing and coding classes to get started.

What Are the Job Prospects for Online Medical Billing and Coding Certification?

It is recommended that you check the employment outlook before enrolling in any certification program. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), medical coding and billing have a projected job growth rate of 8%, which is much faster than the national average.

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Martin Uwakwe

As an SEO Strategist, Web Analytics Expert, and Content Developer with over 7 years of experience, I'm passionate about leveraging data-driven insights to optimize online visibility, drive organic traffic, and boost search rankings. My track record includes successfully optimizing and analyzing hundreds of e-commerce websites, managing multi-million-dollar marketing budgets for maximum ROI, and crafting engaging content that resonates with audiences. With proficiency in SEO, data analysis, web optimization tools, and content creation, I'm dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the digital landscape.