10 Habits Every Student Should Follow

No matter what you do, you always strive to give your best effort. 

However, have you ever felt that you’re not performing up to your full potential? This sentiment is common among students at some point in their academic journey. 

After taking a test, you might ponder whether you could have performed better or approached certain tasks differently for potentially different outcomes. 

The primary reason for not reaching your maximum potential often stems from issues like lack of concentration, writing a lot of essay, or inclusivity, among other factors. 

The challenge lies in finding solutions to address these areas of improvement. 

Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can incorporate into your life to become a better student. Among these methods, we will explore ten exceptional and practical strategies. 

By exploring these approaches, you’ll find renewed energy and motivation to excel in your academic endeavors. Keep reading to discover them all! 

1: Create a Proper Schedule 

Creating a structured study schedule is essential for achieving your goals effectively. 

Without a good routine, you’ll lack direction and may not make progress. Allocate time for each subject and ensure to incorporate breaks to maintain brain functionality and recharge. 

For instance, as your board exams approach, initially, you might study a bit haphazardly without seeing tangible results. But, once you implement a planned timetable and follow it consistently, you’ll notice improvements and feel more motivated. 

Adhering to a schedule not only enhances your academic performance but also sets you on a path towards greater success. Why not try it out and experience the benefits firsthand? 

2: Set Achievable Goals 

Clarity of direction is essential for long-term student success. Setting both short-term and long-term goals is crucial to provide guidance and structure to your academic endeavors. 

For instance, aiming for a grade of 90+ represents a rather long-term ambition, while completing a science chapter by the following weekend serves as a short-term target. 

By outlining your goals, you consistently prompt yourself about your desired destination and the steps needed to reach it. This strategy promotes self-enhancement and leads to improved student performance, as you emphasize your own progress and evolution. 

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3: Attend Your Classes Regularly 

Numerous students think attending regular classes is unnecessary since they believe they can succeed in their studies through self-preparation. However, this viewpoint is misguided. 

Regular attendance in classes extends beyond mere academic learning; it fosters both personal and academic development over time.  

Teachers bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Attending classes allows students to interact with them and acquire insights that surpass what textbooks provide.  

Hence, the significance of attending regular classes should never be undervalued. 

4: Follow Healthy Study Habits 

When studying, avoid burdening yourself with overwhelming thoughts. Many students tend to study for extended periods without breaks or engaging in recreational activities. Such students often lose interest and motivation due to the lack of breaks. 

It’s essential to balance study time with activities that promote health and well-being. Achieving this balance is key to becoming a better student. If your health suffers, your studies will also be affected. Therefore, it’s crucial to prioritize maintaining harmony between the two aspects. 

5: Take Notes Elaborately 

The distinction between a good and an improved student lies in their approach to learning new material. For instance, when reading a history chapter for the first time, rather than simply going through the text, it’s beneficial to take detailed notes in your own handwriting. 

This method usually enhances understanding of concepts and proves valuable during last-minute revisions particularly when time is limited during exams. Having these notes prepared in advance can be a lifesaver when time is of the essence. 

6: Participate in Student Discussions Enthusiastically 

Many students experience shyness when it comes to participating in class discussions, primarily due to the fear of making errors and being mocked by peers. 

However, to enhance academic performance, it is vital to engage actively in classroom activities, irrespective of the possibility of making mistakes. 

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Remember, your teacher is present to support and motivate you. 

Success lies in overcoming these internal apprehensions.  

Rather than dwelling on potential judgment from others, concentrate on the growth you stand to gain by contributing to class discussions. This sudden shift in perspective can significantly enhance your confidence and morale. 

7: Get Settled as Quickly as You Can 

Whether you opt to stay at home or transition to on-campus or off-campus accommodations, it’s essential to establish your living arrangements before the school term begins.  

The sooner you unpack and organize your school supplies for the first day of classes, the more relaxed and prepared you’ll be. 

For those moving into on-campus housing, there’s typically a designated move-in day. Arriving early allows you to avoid the rush and commotion of other students moving in, and it offers the chance to meet new people throughout the day and select your preferred bed if sharing a room. 

Procrastinating on settling in will only increase feelings of rush and stress. Start your academic year positively by settling in ahead of time. 

8: Some Tips Related to Textbooks 

Dealing with long lines and potential stock shortages at the bookstore can be quite a hassle, particularly during the initial week of classes. How can you avoid this inconvenience? 

Some schools provide textbook lists in advance, giving you the opportunity to explore various options. If your school offers an online bookstore, consider purchasing your textbooks before the semester begins. You might even find used or rental options at a reduced price. 

Beyond your school’s bookstore, you can explore alternative options such as Amazon, Kijiji, or local bookstores. Many students also sell their used textbooks at lower prices through platforms like Facebook and school message boards.  

Just ensure that the edition you purchase matches the one required by your professor. 

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9: Change Your Courses If They Don’t Feel Right 

Upon attending your initial classes, should you sense that something isn’t aligning well; whether it’s the schedule, workload, or teaching approach; you possess the freedom to adjust.  

You’re not obliged to persist with a class that doesn’t suit you. For instance, if you’re not inclined towards morning classes, and there’s a later session available, contemplate switching. 

You have the flexibility to modify your class schedule based on your preferences and needs. 

Many schools allow for adjustments to your course schedule within the first few weeks without consequences. However, beyond this period, there may be implications such as appearing on your transcript, fees, or requiring permission from professors to join their classes. 

10: Take Care of Yourself 

The initial week of school tends to be bustling with orientation activities happening around the clock. You’ll be busy meeting people, attending events, and may find yourself sleep-deprived.  

It’s likely that establishing a solid routine won’t be feasible until the second week of classes. Thus, it’s important to recognize when you need to decline events due to exhaustion. 

This guidance remains pertinent throughout the entire academic year, not solely during the initial week. It’s essential to maintain equilibrium between your academic responsibilities and social engagements to prevent burnout.  

Allocating some time for self-care and rejuvenation is imperative, whether it involves watching a movie, enjoying a meal out, practicing morning yoga, or indulging in a good book. 


To enhance your academic performance, consider implementing the suggestions. 

These tips are among the most innovative and practical ones that you can seamlessly incorporate into your daily routine to maximize their benefits. 

Avoid putting unnecessary pressure on yourself and focus on continual improvement. This approach will ultimately lead to significant achievements in various aspects of life. 

Feel free to share your thoughts on these suggestions in the comments section! 

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My name is Queen! For five years, I have been actively involved in helping students get scholarship opportunities in Europe, the USA, and Canada. Currently, I am the Admin of www.xscholarship.com