Best Nursing Schools in California for Undergraduate 2022

You must consider what program you are looking for, as what is the best school for nursing in California for Undergraduate includes a variety of options for nurses at various levels. If you do not already have an LPN or an RN, you must look for on-campus programs to complete the clinical portion of your education. If you already have an LPN or RN, you can look for online or on-campus LPN to BSN or RN to BSN programs. In California, there are both accredited public and accredited private nursing schools.

There are also accredited online nursing schools in California. An educational board recognizes accredited public or accredited private campus-based nursing schools in California, as well as accredited online nursing schools in California, for having a curriculum that adequately prepares students for a career in nursing. The only way to take the NCLEX-PN or NCLEX-RN is to attend one of California’s accredited nursing schools.

How Much Do Nurses Earn In California?

Another important factor to consider when deciding whether a nursing career is right for you is the nurses’ salary in California. To compare, one should look at registered nurse salaries in California, LPN nurse salaries in California, and nurse practitioner salaries in California. The average nurse salary in California for an LPN is $56,200. LPNs in California earn between $41,000 and $75,050 per year. LPN salaries in California are higher than the national average, which is $46,240. Registered nurses in California earn the highest wages of any state.

California’s RN nurse salaries ranked first on the BLS’s list of the highest paying states for nurses. A nurse with an RN salary in California is $106,950. This nursing salary in California is equivalent to $51.42 per hour. Nursing salaries in California for RNs are on average higher than the national median wage of $71,730. However, not every nursing salary in California is that high. In California, the starting salary for a nurse is $66,440. In California, the top salary for a nurse is much higher. In California, the average registered nurse salary is $157,160.

While the registered nurse salary in California is extremely high, especially when compared to other areas, it is not nearly as high as the nurse practitioner salary in California. A nurse practitioner‘s average salary in California is significantly higher than that of a nurse. Because a nurse practitioner may have your practice in California, the average nurse salary in California for an NP is so high. Aside from the increased responsibility, this is one of the reasons why the salary of a registered nurse in California is lower than that of an NP.

In California, the average nurse practitioner’s salary is $133,780 per year. This means that nurse practitioner salaries in California typically range between $64.32 and $64.32 per hour. This puts California nurse practitioner salaries above the national average of $107,030 per year. At all levels, the average salary of a nurse in California is higher than the national average. Even for the lowest-paid nurses in California, the average nurse salary is comparable to the national average. Those comparing the average nursing salary in California to see if nursing is a career for them will find that the average nursing salary in California is well worth it for someone interested in people’s health and well-being.

How We Ranked The Best Nursing Schools In California

Nursing School Hub editors must consider what is important to the working nurse and the new nursing student when ranking the best nursing schools in California. The desire to see their degree have an impact on their career is something that all nursing students share. That is why NSH ranks programs based on relevant data from reputable sources such as IPEDS and College Scorecard. All programs are accredited and ranked based on tuition, student satisfaction, and potential salary.

1. UC Berkeley

The UCLA School of Nursing offers the following degree programs: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) – Masters Entry Clinical Nurse, and Master of Science in Nursing – Advanced Practice Programs for Registered Nurses, Doctors of Philosophy, and Doctors of Nursing Practice. Along with theory and socialization, students develop real-world skills. The curriculum emphasizes interdisciplinary and self-directed learning. The UCLA School of Nursing is ranked #20 on the list of Top Nursing Schools by US News and World Report. UCLA School of Nursing is a public institution. “Fiat lux,” which translates as “Let there be light,” is the company’s motto.

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The nickname for the university is “Bruins,” and the school colors are blue and gold. UCLA is the University of California system’s fourth-oldest campus. Westwood is the neighborhood in which the nursing school is located. The UCLA School of Nursing is one of the top recipients of research funding in the United States, with a particular emphasis on being a National Institute of Health Top 20 recipient (NIH). In the most recent year for which data is available, approximately 213 nursing students graduated with this degree from UCLA.

Students who complete the nursing program earn an average of $86,900 in their first year of employment. This is one of the best nursing schools in California for undergraduates and among the best nursing schools in Los Angeles.

BSN, MSN, Ph.D., and DNP degrees are available.

2. Azusa Pacific University

Azusa Pacific University offers nursing bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees with online, regional, and on-campus educational options. Study abroad and community health internships are available through APU’s nursing programs. The goal of small classrooms and simulation labs is to support compassionate care. Azusa Pacific University is a private, evangelical (interdenominational) institution recognized by US News & World Report as a National University and a Top Performer in Social Mobility.

The Cougar is the team’s mascot. The colors of the school are black and brick. “God First” is the company’s motto. In the most recent data year, Azusa Pacific had approximately 798 nursing students graduate with this degree. Nursing students who graduate from Azusa Pacific University earn $8,992 more than the average nursing graduate. This is one of the best nursing schools in California for international students and among the best undergraduate nursing schools.

BSN, MSN, and DNP degrees are available.

3. University Of California, Irvine

A BS in Nursing Science, an MS in Nursing Science, a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing are all available at UC Irvine. The nursing program’s goal is to promote population health on a local and international scale while also improving patient care. This is one of the best nursing schools in California for undergraduates and among the best nursing schools in Los Angeles. UC Irvine is a public research university that is ranked #36 in National Universities by US News & World Report, with a focus on neuroscience and cancer research.

“Fiat lux,” which means “Let there be light,” is the company’s motto. UCI is regarded as one of the best research universities in the United States. The university is committed to discovering to better people’s lives.

BSN, MSN, DNP, and Ph.D. degrees are available.

4. Dominican University Of California

The Dominican University of California offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing with a focus on clinical excellence. The goal is to facilitate mentorship and engagement through real-world research and study abroad opportunities. This is one of the best nursing schools in California for international students and among the best undergraduate nursing schools. The program focuses on training and meeting the requirements for both military-trained healthcare professionals and international students. US News & World Report ranks the Dominican University of California as #23 among Regional Universities West and #24 among Best Value Schools.

The motto is “Veritas Fax Ardens,” which means  “Truth is a Flaming Torch.”Dominican is a private university with the mascot “Chilly the Penguin” and the nickname “Penguins.” The school colors are appropriately black, gold, and white. Students work on important research projects while gaining practical experience in the vibrant Dominican community. In the most recent year for which data is available, approximately 102 nursing students graduated with this degree from DUofC. Nursing program graduates at the Dominican University of California earn $4,092 more than the average college graduate with the same degree shortly after graduation.

Bachelor’s degrees in nursing are available.

5. San Francisco University

The University of San Francisco offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a Master of Science in Nursing, and a Doctor of Nursing Practice, all of which are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. This is one of the best nursing schools in California for undergraduates and among the best nursing schools in Los Angeles. The School of Nursing and Health Professions’ mission is to prepare healthcare professionals for the demands of policy and advocacy, while also encouraging learning and innovation. US News & World Report ranks the University of San Francisco as the 97th best national university.

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It is a private Jesuit-Catholic institution that emphasizes service-based learning and a commitment to contributing to and improving the community. The traditional motto is “Pro Urbe et Universitate,” which translates as “For City and University,” but the current slogan is “Change the World from Here.” The more modern motto reflects a greater emphasis on work that benefits society and the world. Green and gold are the school colors. USF is ranked #67 in terms of “Best Value.” The university was ranked #149 by Washington Monthly for research, contribution to the public good, and promotion of public service.

BSN, MSN, and DNP degrees are available.

6. Concordia University Irvine

Concordia University Irvine offers an Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN), a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), and a Pre-Nursing Minor for Undergraduates. Concordia University is one of California’s top nursing schools. The program focuses on teaching knowledge-based skills and providing the necessary information to support compassionate, caring, and competent care provided by dedicated and knowledgeable nurses. Concordia students have a high pass rate for The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN® exam) of 99 percent.

Concordia University is a private Christian university that is ranked #34 in US News & World Report’s list of Regional Universities West. Currently, approximately 68 percent of undergraduate students receive need-based financial aid for full-time enrollment. The school’s motto is “Developing Wise, Honorable, and Cultivated Citizens.” The university is part of the Concordia University network/system, which includes nine universities and colleges. This is one of the best nursing schools in California for international students and among the best undergraduate nursing schools.

BSN, MSN, and minor degrees are available.

7. Simpson University

Simpson University has a pre-licensure BSN program as well as a post-licensure RN-BSN program. Simpson University, with its emphasis on faith-based nursing education and curriculum, is one of the best nursing schools in California for undergraduates and among the best nursing schools in Los Angeles. Caring is at the heart of the Betty M Dean School of Nursing program, which includes personalized faculty mentoring, hands-on experiences, small classes, simulation labs, and engaging discussions. Simpson University is a Christian and Missionary Alliance-affiliated private liberal arts university with a faith-based focus. The motto is “Gateway to World Service.”

The team’s nickname is “Red Hawks,” and its colors are red and black. The university promotes critical thinking and research to demonstrate human dignity and social justice values and precepts. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)  are available.

8. Biola University

Biola University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program aims to prepare students to be competent nursing professionals. The Biola Nursing program combines clinical experiences with a theoretical (evidence-based) curriculum to foster a learning and growth environment. Biola University is one of California’s top nursing schools. Biola University is one of the best nursing schools in California for international students and among the best undergraduate nursing schools. According to US News & World Report, the university is ranked #185 in National Universities. It is ranked #88 in the list of Best Value Schools and ties for #61 in Best Undergraduate Teaching. “Above All, Give Glory to God,” the motto says.

Bachelor’s degrees in nursing are available.

9. California Baptist University

A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), an entry-level Master of Science in Nursing (designed for non-Nursing degree majors), a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), and a Doctor of Nursing Practice are all available at California Baptist University (DNP). California Baptist University is one of the best nursing schools in the state, with a focus on developing highly qualified, caring, and responsible nursing candidates for a demanding field. This goal is in tandem with the university’s goal of preparing nurses with a worldview that includes meeting needs at both the global and local levels.

California Baptist University is a private Christian institution affiliated with the California Southern Baptist Convention. US News & World Report ranks it 43rd among Best Colleges in Regional Universities West. It is ranked #28 in terms of Best Value Schools and #5 in terms of Most Innovative Schools. The school’s motto is “Live Your Purpose.” The colors are blue and gold, and the nickname is “Lancers.” This is one of the best nursing schools in California for undergraduates and among the best nursing schools in Los Angeles.

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BSN, MSN, and DNP degrees are available.

10. San Diego State University

San Diego State University grants Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), RN to BSN, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), and LVN to RN degrees. According to the Best Health Degrees, the SDSU Nursing Program, BSN ranked in the top 25 for all Nursing school programs, while also ranking first in the list of Hispanic-Serving programs. San Diego State University is a research university that is open to the public. The Nursing Program’s prestige, as well as the university’s accomplishments and acclaim, are all reflected in the “Leadership Starts Here” motto.

SDSU has been named the best research university in the country, and it is classified as having a high level of research activity. The Aztec warrior is their mascot, and they are known as “Aztecs” because of their bright scarlet and black colors. In keeping with the school’s identity, San Diego State University is committed to diversity, and it is ranked among the top ten universities in the United States for racial and ethnic diversity, both in terms of the number of degrees earned by minority students and the overall makeup of the student body. This is one of the best nursing schools in California for international students and among the best undergraduate nursing schools.

BSN and MSN degrees are available.


Nursing is one of the most popular degree programs in the United States, ranking third among all majors. This makes deciding on the best school difficult. In this article, we discussed the 10 Best Nursing Schools in California for Undergraduate in 2022 to pursue a degree. In total, these colleges and universities have awarded 17,448 nursing degrees during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Should I Select A Nursing School In California?

First and foremost, if you wish to find the best nursing school in California for international students. The search terms for this or what are the best nursing schools in California will yield a plethora of options. When deciding on the best nursing school in California, you should look for accredited nursing schools in California. You need to conduct additional research on each of the options for the best nursing schools in California for undergraduates. You will want to consider how well-known a program is among employers. You will also want to look at the NCLEX results from that school. When determining what is the best nursing school in California for you, always consider the cost.

How Is The California Nursing Job Market?

Before deciding on a nursing job in California, you will most likely want to learn about the job market for nurses in California, particularly for new grad nursing jobs in California. Before looking at nurse jobs in California specifically, you should understand that nursing is a high-demand profession that will always be in demand. While this isn’t specifically about nursing jobs in California, the number of registered nurse jobs in the United States is expected to grow by 12% between 2018 and 2028. This is faster than the norm.

Nursing jobs in California, in particular, outnumber those in any other state. The state is first in the nation for the highest level of nurse jobs. In 2018, there were 294,510 registered nurse (RN) jobs in California. Nursing jobs in California are expected to increase in the coming years. Hospitals are one possible location for registered nurse jobs in California. These may be nursing jobs in California for new graduates or experienced nurses. Registered nurse jobs can also be found in nursing homes, outpatient care centers, and nursing hotlines in California.

In California, registered nurse jobs can also be found in doctor’s offices. Travel nurse jobs in California are included in the job market for nurses in California. Travel nurse jobs in California allow you to care for patients in a variety of settings. Travel nursing jobs in California may be available with a hospice. Travel nursing jobs in California can also be found through nurse agencies.

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