Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is an international program that aims to enhance leadership amongst professionals who address global and local challenges and effect positive change through collaborative efforts. The program empowers these professionals through academic study and professional development, where they share best practices and build expertise in fields of critical importance to advance societal and institutional capacity, promote human rights and freedoms, ensure sustainable environments, and develop thriving communities.

However, we will guide you through the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program in this blog post. We will help you understand everything you need to know to craft a great application, great tips including the Humphrey fellowship selection result, Humphrey fellowship interview questions, Hubert H. Humphrey fellowship program universities, Humphrey fellowship stipend amount, and finally, the Humphrey fellowship application sample.

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

About Hubert H. Humphrey

Hubert H. Humphrey was born in Wallace, South Dakota, in 1911 to a homemaker mother and a small-town pharmacist father. Hubert H. Humphrey had a distinguished career as a statesman and a civil and human rights champion. In 1945, he was elected mayor of Minneapolis, and in 1948, he gave a divisive, exciting, and historic speech on racial rights at the Democratic National Convention. In that same year, he was elected to the United States Senate. He spent 15 years in the Senate.

He was elected Vice President of the United States on President Lyndon B. Johnson’s ticket in 1964 and served a full four-year term. In 1968, he ran for President but lost to Richard M. Nixon by a razor-thin margin. Humphrey remained undeterred, returning to the Senate in 1971 and serving until his death from cancer in January 1978. Humphrey was recognized for his enthusiastic demeanor and detailed recall, among other things.

He was regarded as a friend by people of all political stripes. He advocated for people from all walks of life, including the young, the elderly, the poor, laborers, farmers, people of color, and those from other nations. President Jimmy Carter said during a eulogy at Humphrey’s funeral: “From time to time, our nation is blessed by the presence of men and women who bear the mark of greatness, who help us see a better vision of what we can become. Hubert Humphrey was such a man.”

In March 1978, Carter announced the establishment of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program to recognize Humphrey’s remarkable leadership, relentless commitment to public service, and honest desire for improved international understanding.


A Brief History of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program.

Since 1978, the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program has been funded by the US Congress as a Fulbright exchange activity to honor the late Senator and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey’s public service career (1911-1978). Humphrey was a long-time supporter of international collaboration and understanding, serving as Vice President of the United States from 1965 to 1969 and as a Senator from Minnesota for many years.

On a state visit to Venezuela in March 1978, President Jimmy Carter announced the creation of the Humphrey Program. Carter added that it would be a program that embodied the principles that the US and Venezuela share: democracy, social fairness, and a commitment to help the world’s developing nations. The first Humphrey Fellows came in the United States a year following Carter’s statement. They were 27 mid-career professionals from 24 countries who will attend 11 universities and institutions in the United States to study.

More than 6,400 Fellows from 163 countries have participated in the program since its inception in 1978. For their year of study, the Fellows were hosted by more than 40 universities. The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, on the other hand, is sponsored by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) in accordance with the J.

William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board’s policy guidelines and collaboration with Binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations and Public Affairs Sections of US embassies worldwide. Several organizations, including the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Host Campuses, and others, have generously supported the program.

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Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Design

The Humphrey Fellows are often prepared for their professional growth by personalized program plans that define their aims and objectives for the year, including courses, seminars, special projects, professional and community activities. The following are the primary program components:

1. Hubert Humphrey Seminar

A year-long Humphrey Seminar hosted by the host university is an integral aspect of the Fellowship. Fellows learn about many aspects of American culture and society while attending the seminar, which introduces them to the skills and perspectives they will need as global leaders. They also share approaches to common issues and problems in their regions.

2. Academic Enrichment

Fellows are assigned to seven to fifteen universities in the United States, which will serve as their academic and professional homes. Fellows audit or register for a partial course load to allow them to travel and network with their American peers and experts in their field, attend conferences, and participate in a professional affiliation (work experience) without feeling obligated to complete a specific degree or diploma requirement.

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3. Professional Development

The Humphrey Fellowship is designed to improve Fellows’ professional skills and knowledge. Fellows have the opportunity to connect, exchange information, and share experiences with their American counterparts and Humphrey colleagues from all around the world through the program. Fellows broaden their perspectives on their job and global concerns through conferences, networking events, lectures, and workshops.

The Fellowship year culminates in a six-week work experience, or Professional Affiliation, organized by the Fellows that connects them with American organizations and gives them another chance to meet and interact with their American counterparts. The Institute of International Education also offers professional development workshops, which involve Fellows in cross-disciplinary and multi-regional encounters.

The Washington Global Leadership Forum

This four-day seminar in Washington, DC, is required of all Fellows who want to learn more about US institutions, federal agencies, and international organizations. Humphrey Fellows engage with officials from influential organizations, attend leadership and professional development programs, and network with other professionals. The Global Leadership Forum allows Fellows to meet their Humphrey colleagues from all 13 host campuses and begin friendships and professional partnerships that will last for the duration of the Fellowship and beyond.

English Language Courses

Fellows who are strong Humphrey prospects but need to enhance their English to benefit from the Humphrey experience fully receive extensive English language training before beginning their Humphrey Fellowship Program (usually during the summer months). Fellows can attend additional English language classes at their host colleges if necessary.


Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Eligibility Criteria.

To be eligible for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2022, individuals need to meet these Basic Eligibility Criteria.

  • They must be an undergraduate (first university or Bachelor’s) degree
  • Must have a minimum of five years of full-time, professional experience
  • Individuals must have Limited or no prior experience in the United States
  • They must demonstrate leadership qualities
  • They must have a record of public service in the community and;
  • The individual must have a strong English language ability


Program Fields for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

The following are the program fields covered by Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. Please, I recommend that you cross-check this list properly before beginning your application. However, the program fields are:

  • Human and Institutional Capacity
  • Economic Development
  • Finance and Banking
  • Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
  • Technology Policy and Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Rights and Freedoms
  • Communications/Journalism
  • International Religious Freedom
  • Law and Human Rights
  • Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
  • Sustainable Lands
  • Agricultural and Rural Development
  • Natural Resources, Environmental, and Climate Change
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Thriving Communities; Contagious and Infectious Diseases
  • Public Health Policy and Management
  • HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
  • Substance Abuse Education, Treatment, and Prevention
  • Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
  • Higher Education Administration
  • The Teaching of English as a Foreign Language


Selection Process for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

There are five stages in the selection process of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program. How To access the Humphrey Fellowship application and learn more about applying, please get in touch with the US Embassy (Public Affairs Section) or Binational Fulbright Commission in your country. Nonetheless, below are the five important stages of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program.

Stage 1: National Screening

Overseas, Binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or the Public Affairs Sections of US embassies facilitate the Humphrey Program. Commissions and embassies review Humphrey Fellowship Program applications, invite selected applicants for interviews, and determine which applications should be forwarded to the Institute of International Education in Washington, DC for further consideration. To discover more about the selection criteria used by your country’s embassy or commission, please get in touch with them.

Stage 2: Screening by the Institute of International Education

By October 1, Embassies and Commissions must send their nominations to the Institute of International Education (IIE) in Washington, DC. Applicants must submit their applications to the Embassy or Commission by a specific deadline, which varies by nation. Please check with your country’s embassy or Fulbright Commission to determine when the application deadline is. IIE checks all submitted applications for basic eligibility before appointing regional Candidate Review Committees (CRC) to assess them.

Stage 3: Candidate Review Committees

In December, the Candidate Review Committees meet in Washington, DC, to examine proposals from a specific region of the world. Independent expert panelists with regional experience from academia, international organizations, or non-governmental organizations are selected.

Stage 4: Approval by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

The Fulbright Program and other Fulbright exchange activities, including the Humphrey Fellowship Program, are overseen by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), which Congress established. The FSB sets policies and procedures for the Humphrey Fellowship Program’s administration. It has the final responsibility to select all Fellows and oversee the program’s operations in the United States and abroad.

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Stage 5: Placement of Selected Humphrey Fellows

The Department of State will announce the final selection results to participating US embassies and Binational Fulbright Commissions, who will inform candidates of their status after getting approval from the FSB. The Institute of International Education matches accepted candidates with Humphrey Fellows at colleges across the United States. Candidates’ fields of study and the program plan statements provided in their applications determine where they will be placed.


Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Stipend Amount

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a fantastic opportunity. The grant has a maximum value of $50,000 each year. This scholarship will be worth a total of $50,000. The fellowship program award will cover the majority of your expenses, including:

  • Tuition and fees must be paid at the appointed host university.
  • If necessary, pre-academic English language training;
  • A monthly stipend (maintenance), as well as a one-time settling-in stipend;
  • Coverage for accidents and illnesses;
  • Allowance for books;
  • a one-time grant for computers;
  • Air travel (to and from the United States for the program, as well as domestic travel to necessary program events);
  • There is a Professional Development allowance for professional activities such as field trips, professional visits, and conferences.


Humphrey Fellowship Selection Result

Hubert H. Humphrey fellowship program 2022-2023 is not yet announced. However, The Royal Civil Service Commission is responsible for announcing the Humphrey Fellowship selection results. Indeed, the Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the result of the Humphrey Fellowship 2022 selection interview held on September 22, 2021.


Humphrey Fellowship Interview Questions and Humphrey Fellowship Application Sample.

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program application link for the 2022-2023 cycle will be available below. However, applicants are urged to use this time to prepare their replies for the essential section of the application, the Essay Questions Section. The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is looking for those who have established a sense of personal integrity and who are creative thinkers. Plagiarism is defined as copying someone else’s writing, whether from the Internet, a book, or a buddy, resulting in disqualification. Nonetheless, the Essay questions for all fields are listed below;

1. Leadership

Humphrey Fellows are leaders who contribute to their fields that advance their communities and countries. Please describe how your work addresses your country’s short and long-term needs. Describe how the knowledge and skills you will gain through the Humphrey Fellowship will help you address your country’s needs further. Be as specific as possible. (1,200 characters)

2. Goals and Program Plan

Humphrey Fellows must take the initiative to build a program plan by choosing academic and professional experiences that will help them achieve their professional goals. Please describe your professional goals for the next five years, provide details about the academic and professional experiences you would choose when designing your Humphrey Fellowship, and explain how these experiences will help you achieve your goals. (2000 characters)

3. Public Service

The Humphrey Fellowship focuses on public service and developing leaders who contribute to the greater good. Please describe how you have demonstrated a strong commitment to public service through community engagement, civic involvement, or professional responsibilities. (1,200 characters)

4. Challenge statement

Describe a problem or challenging situation that you took the initiative to resolve. What steps did you take? What was the outcome? Please select an example illustrating what you want the review panel to know about your problem-solving skills, leadership abilities, and commitment to public service. (2,400 characters)

  1. Substance Abuse Field of Study
  2. Briefly describe what you know about current substance abuse problems in your country. (1200 characters)
  3. Briefly describe recent substance abuse research project(s) in which you have been engaged, the extent of your role in these project(s), and list any publications in connection with research work that you have done. (1,200 characters)
  4. Briefly describe an area of substance abuse research that you would like to pursue based on the needs in your country. (1,200 characters)


Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Universities

The following are the hist universities for the Hubert H. Humphrey fellowship program 2022-2023.

  • American University, Washington College of Law
  • Arizona State University
  • Boston University
  • Cornell University
  • Emory University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Michigan State University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • Syracuse University
  • University of California, Davis
  • University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
  • Vanderbilt University
  • Virginia Commonwealth University


Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2022-2023

Humphrey Fellowship Application

The 2022-2023 Humphrey Fellowship Program application is open! Applicants should navigate to: As an Embassy/Commission administrator, please access your Slate application management portal here: Please contact for more information. If you’d like to book a phone consultation, please send an email to

Candidate Profile for Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

Eligible candidates are mid-career professionals in leadership positions who have demonstrated a  potential for professional advancement and commitment to public service. After completing a university degree, prospective Fellows should have a minimum of five years of full-time professional experience (prior to August 2022) in their field of specialization and should be interested in the policy aspects of their field.  To qualify for participation in U.S. graduate study programs, candidates must have completed a university degree program requiring at least four years of full-time study.  

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Candidates should be proficient in written and spoken English. They should also demonstrate the required skills, experience, and commitment concretely to illustrate how they will benefit from the Humphrey Program. Applicants should also indicate how their participation would benefit their community and institution.

Basic Eligibility Criteria

  • An undergraduate (first university or Bachelor’s) degree
  • A minimum of five years of full-time, professional experience
  • Limited or no prior experience in the United States
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities
  • A record of public service in the community
  • English language ability


How to Apply to Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2022-2023

Please contact your country’s US Embassy (Public Affairs Section) or Binational Fulbright Commission to access the Humphrey Fellowship application and more information. The Humphrey Fellowship Program is for experienced professionals who want to improve their leadership skills by exchanging knowledge and understanding about issues of mutual relevance in the United States and Fellows’ home countries. The Fellowship provides great professional growth opportunities through selected university courses, conference attendance, networking, and practical work experiences as a non-degree program.

Fellows work on their particular program goals throughout the year while also participating in workshops and seminars with their Humphrey colleagues. Unlike traditional graduate school, the program encourages Fellows to travel outside of their host college to learn more about American culture and network with their American peers. The Humphrey Fellowship is for you to extend your thoughts and become a global leader.

By October 1, Embassies and Commissions must submit their nominations to the Institute of International Education in Washington, DC. The application deadlines differ per country.



The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program allows students to spend a summer working in the public service in Washington, DC, their home state, or abroad. The program is designed to develop leadership within the next generation of Americans and promote a better understanding of public service by allowing students to experience firsthand the values and traditions of government service. I hope this blog aids you through the process of building your future. All the best!


Frequently Asked Questions about the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program.

Is there a degree program in the Humphrey Program?

The Humphrey Program is a certificate program that does not lead to a degree. Participants may take academic coursework at their host university to update their academic and professional expertise. Still, they will not acquire an academic degree due to their participation in the program.

While in graduate school, I worked part-time in a professional position. Is that enough to be considered for the Humphrey Fellowship Program?

Candidates for the Humphrey Program should have at least five years of full-time professional experience and be at a stage in their careers where they can benefit effectively from this mid-career program. Candidates with only part-time work experience may be excluded from consideration.

When is the deadline for applications?

The deadlines for applications vary by country. The nominating US Embassy or Binational Fulbright Commission will notify you of its internal application deadline. By October 1, Embassies and Commissions must submit their nominations to the Institute of International Education in Washington, DC.

What are the program’s time requirements if I’m chosen?

The Humphrey Program is demanding, and life as a Humphrey Fellow is not like that of a graduate student with set hours and a set routine. Humphrey Fellows are required to participate in various activities as part of the program. Fellows participate in field trips, attend a weekly Humphrey Seminar and other conferences and networking events, and may spend long hours each day in classes and participating in campus and community activities, in addition to spending time on campus with other members of the group.

Fellows also spend two weeks in Washington, DC, for national program activities as part of the program, which takes them away from their host university. Fellows may also participate in workshops and conferences in different parts of the country throughout the year.

How does one apply for a Humphrey Fellowship?

Awards for Fellowships during the 2022-2023 academic year will be announced by the end of March 2022 for all other candidates. Applicants for a Humphrey Fellowship must have the following qualifications: A first university degree. Full-time professional experience of five years.

What is the duration of the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship?

Ten months. The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program offers ten months of non-degree academic study in the United States, as well as related professional experiences. Humphrey Fellows are chosen for their leadership potential and commitment to public service, whether in the public or private sector.

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