8 Accredited Physician Assistant Schools in Illinois 2022

If you wish to attend a PA school in the United States, read on to know the 8 accredited physician assistant schools in Illinois 2022. 

Accredited Physician Assistant (PA) Schools in Illinois

This post focuses on what a physician assistant(PA) school is all about, the list of accredited physician assistant schools in Illinois 2022, tuition fees, and teacher-student ratio.

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Physician Assistants(PA)  in Illinois

A two-year college offers an associate degree program designed for people with 1,000 hours of practical experience.

Applicants for a master’s degree may also need to have completed a certain number of hours in healthcare. In addition, students applying for a graduate program require a bachelor’s degree and must meet the minimum requirements for a GRE (Graduate Record Examination) score. Most of the training courses for the physician assistants (PA)  in Illinois are offered at a master’s level in various public and private universities.

8 Accredited Physician Assistant Schools in Illinois 2022

Here is the list of accredited physician assistant schools in Illinois 2022 available for you. This includes a brief description of the schools along with information on their Tuition and Student-teacher ratio. 

  • Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
  • College of Health Professions, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
  • College of Health Sciences, Rush University
  • Southern Illinois University Carbondale
  • City Colleges of Chicago – Malcolm X College
  • College of Health Sciences, Midwestern University – Downers Grove
  • University of Mount Union
  • University of St Francis

Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University

First on our list of accredited physician assistant schools in Illinois is  Northwestern University. Northwestern University in Evanston adds 30 students to its medical assistant program each year. To be considered for admission, applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree along with the required academic achievements and submitted acceptable GRE results.

Although not required, the school suggests that applicants have at least six months or 1,000 hours of relevant healthcare experience to give them an advantage in the admission process.

This 2-year ARC-PA accredited program includes coursework, clinical experience, and a master project. Through a combination of lectures and group discussions, freshmen learn topics such as pediatric healthcare, pathology, genetics, and geriatric healthcare.

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The second-year focuses on clinical rotations. Seven of these 5-week rotations focus on the required medical specialties, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, and women’s health. Three four-week election rotations allow students to choose the medical specialties they are most interested in.

Tuition Fee: $54,620

Student-Teacher Ratio: 10:1

College of Health Professions, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

In order to be admitted to the master’s course for medical assistants at the RFUMS in North Chicago, candidates must complete the required coursework and submit GRE results along with letters of recommendation and certificates for bachelor’s programs from their bachelor’s degree.

Experience inpatient care is also recommended. The school receives almost 1,900 applicants each year and accepts less than 70.

This program usually takes two years to complete. In the first year, students can take part in lectures, simulations, and laboratory classes. For six weeks, the focus is shifted to specialties such as women’s health, pediatrics, surgery, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and family medicine. Two of these rotations are electives so students can choose the clinical settings that suit them.

Graduates of this ARC-PA-approved program are qualified to take the PANCE, and 95% of the 2012 class passed the first attempt.

Tuition Fee: $35,479

Student-Teacher Ratio: 12:1

College of Health Sciences, Rush University

The ARC-PA accredited master’s course for medical assistants lasts 33 months. The curriculum includes 12 months of tuition and 21 months of clinical experience.

During this time, students can complete an advanced degree in subjects such as orthopedic and cardiothoracic surgery.

The admission requirements for this program are similar to those in the region. Applicants need acceptable GRE results and a bachelor’s degree that meets the minimum GPA requirements and requirements.

However, Rush University also requires experience in inpatient care for admission. At least 1,000 hours of experience is required to meet the minimum requirements. However, potential students should have at least 1,500 hours of experience to be competitive.

Tuition Fee: $36,788

Student-Teacher Ratio: 3:1

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Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Aspiring medical assistants can complete ARC-PA accredited medical assistant programs at this Carbondale University. The school offers two paths to a master’s degree in medical assistant studies.

The Masters’ Completion Program (MCP) is a one-year curriculum for practicing medical assistants who already have a bachelor’s degree in this field. Most courses are completed online; however, you may need to be present on campus.

MCP students learn about healthcare ethics, best practices, and research methods.

Students with a bachelor’s degree in healthcare or science can sign up for the traditional 26-month program. Applicants must have completed GRE, MCAT, or MAT and have completed all required courses.

After admission, the students complete their student research projects on campus in the first year. The second part of the program consists of clinical rotations that may require students to move to another city in Illinois.

The final phase consists of an 8-week preparation period in a clinical facility of your choice. Graduates receive an additional certificate in their medical training.

Tuition Fee: $15,626, in-state $32,528, out-of-state

Student-Teacher Ratio: 16:1

City Colleges of Chicago – Malcolm X College

Students at this two-year college in Chicago can enroll in an associate program for medical assistants. From April 2013, however, the ARC-PA accreditation of this program received probation until its next review. At this point, the full accreditation could be restored or revoked.

Applicants who have completed 50 credits of the required courses and have gained at least 1,000 hours of recognized professional experience will be admitted to the program.

After admission, students will complete 78 credits in two years. The first year includes courses in gross anatomy, pharmacology, and pathophysiology.

In their second year, the students receive supervised clinical training in various medical specialties such as internal medicine, emergency medicine, surgery, and pediatrics.

Of the 23 students who graduated in June 2012, 57% passed PANCE on the first attempt.

Tuition Fee: $1,752, in-district, $4,608, in-state, $5,772, out-of-state

Student-Teacher Ratio: 41:1

College of Health Sciences, Midwestern University – Downers Grove

This University in Downers Grove only offers graduate programs, including the ARC-PA, accredited Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies. The admission requirements for this program include a bachelor’s degree and the completion of all required classes.

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Students must meet the minimum GPA requirements and also submit GRE results. It is also strongly recommended that applicants already have healthcare experience.

Students can complete this master’s degree in 27 months full-time. The first year is devoted to courses in anatomy, physiology, immunology, genetics, biochemistry, and neurosciences.

The students then spend 15 months in clinical settings where they complete ten rotations ranging from surgery and geriatrics to internal medicine and women’s health.

Of the 2011 graduates, 96% received employment six months after graduation; 100% of this cohort passed the PANCE the first time.

Tuition Fee: $43,883

Student-Teacher Ratio: 13:1

University of Mount Union

The standard at the University of Mount Union is exceptional. Mount Union offers a range of high-quality degrees for those who want to take their education to the next level.

Regardless of your skills and previous experience, Mount Union graduate training prepares you for the success of your career using curricula that improve and develop your leadership and career-related skills.

On the campus, the university offers a Master of Science in medical assistant studies and a doctor of physiotherapy. The institution also offers an online Master of Education degree with a focus on sports training, curriculum and teaching, educational leadership, and primary license in Ohio.

Tuition Fee: NA

Student-Teacher Ratio: NA

University of St Francis

The University of St. Francis is a private congregation of the Third Order of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate University with its main campus in Joliet, Illinois. It enrolls more than 3,900 students in locations across the country, with approximately 1,300 students on the main campus.

The University of St. Francis offers 2 Physician Assistant Degree programs. It is a small private university in a large suburb. In 2015, 31 students completed the medical assistant’s field of study with 31 master’s degrees.

Tuition Fee: 32,320

Acceptance Rate: 51.7%

Student-Teacher Ratio: 21: 1

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