MTN Foundation Scholarship 2021 for Nigerian Students

MTN Foundation Scholarship 2021 is a scholarship sponsored by MTN Nigeria. This scholarship program has been around for a while. And since the scholarship program came into being, there are thousands of Nigerian students who have been awarded the scholarship.

MTN Foundation Scholarship 2021

The MTN Foundation Scholarship Program aims to attract high-performing, full-time students from public tertiary institutions (universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education ) in Nigeria.

How Much is MTN Foundation Scholarship?

If you apply for the scholarship and get chosen, MTN would offer you up to N200,000 every academic session. This money would be expected to be directed at your education, not other things. So if you feel you can use some help, when it comes to paying your school fees, don’t feel reluctant to apply for the scholarship.

But what are the requirements? How can one apply? Well, all these things are among the things we intend to discuss in this post. So why not grab a seat, and spend the next few minutes reading this content. Getting up to N200,000 per session isn’t a small thing, so this article is worth the time you’d spend on it.

MTN Foundation Scholarship 2021 for Nigerian Students

Application requirements

To apply for the MTN Foundation Scholarship 2021, there are requirements, just like almost every other scholarship in the world. As of the time of writing this content, the following are the requirements:

1. Must be a Nigerian and permanent resident

For anyone to be considered being awarded the MTN Foundation Scholarship 2021, they have to be a Nigerian. This scholarship is meant to help Nigerians. In other words, non-Nigerian students would be allowed to receive the scholarship. However, people who also happen to have valid permanent residency in Nigeria would also be allowed to take part in this scholarship.

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2. Must have a valid means of identification

It is expected of everyone applying for this scholarship to have a valid means of identification in Nigeria. By valid means of identification in Nigeria, we aren’t referring to things like school ID, etc. We’re referring to things like National ID, Voters Card, Drivers Licence, International Passport, etc. If you don’t have any of these, you should try to get one of them. Very often National ID is what most people get. It’s cheap and at times free. But if you don’t mind paying some amount of money, you should consider getting an international passport.

3. Must have a JAMB admission Letter

Students thinking of applying for this scholarship are of course expected to have JAMB admission letters. In other words, if you’re still in secondary school or waiting for admission, you shouldn’t apply for this scholarship. Also, students who have fraudulent JAMB admission letter shouldn’t even think of applying. If you’re caught using a fraudulent JAMB admission letter, you can fetch yourself some prison sentence.

4. Must have a School admission Letter [HND]

As for Polytechnic students. You must not only have completed your OND, but it is also very important that you must have been offered admission for HND. And during the application for the MTN Foundation Scholarship, you’d be expected to submit your HND admission letter.

5. Must have a valid Student ID card

Here comes another very important requirement, a student ID card. The presentation of your student ID card, during the application for this scholarship, is very important. Every Nigerian student should have one, given to them by their school. If you don’t have one, then your application wouldn’t be considered.

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6. Must be studying one of the following courses

Another very important thing you should also note is that not all Nigerian students would be considered for this scholarship. For you to be considered for the MTN Foundation Scholarship, you must be studying any of the following courses:

  • Accountancy/Accounting;
  • Extension and Rural Development;
  • Agricultural Science;
  • Agronomy;
  • Animal Breeding and Genetics;
  • Animal Nutrition;
  • Animal Production and Health;
  • Aquaculture and Fisheries Management;
  • Applied Physics;
  • Architecture;
  • Chemical Engineering;
  • Civil Engineering;
  • Computer and Electronics;
  • Computer and Information Science;
  • Computer and Mathematics;
  • Computer Engineering;
  • Computer Science;
  • Electrical Engineering;
  • Electrical/Electronic Engineering;
  • Electronics and Computer Technology;
  • Electronics Engineering;
  • Engineering Physics;
  • Industrial Mathematics;
  • Industrial Physics;
  • Information Technology;
  • Mathematics;
  • Mechanical Engineering;
  • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering;
  • Petroleum and Gas Engineering;
  • Physics Electronics;
  • Geophysics;
  • Physics/ Computational Modeling;
  • Pure/ Applied Physics;
  • Statistics;
  • Statistics and Computer Science;
  • System Engineering.

7. Must be a second-year student

We’ve already stated that the MTN Foundation Scholarship requires that you’re a Nigerian student studying one of the courses listed above. But that isn’t all. To be considered for this scholarship, you also have to be a second-year student. In other words, you have to be in 200L, when you’re applying for the scholarship.

8. Must have a CGPA of 3.5 and above [or its equivalent]

And lastly, students who would be considered must have a CGPA of at least 3.50, if the maximum point attainable is 5. But as for students studying in schools where the maximum point is different, you must have a CGPA not less than 70 percent of the total point.

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Is the application ongoing?

The Application for the MTN Foundation Scholarship is currently Ongoing. The application deadline is around 21st July 2021.

How can I apply?

The mode of application is online, Interested and qualified candidates should log in to the MTN Foundation website, check the application link below. If you find anyone who asks you to bring some amount of money for the application, don’t listen to them. Application is free, so never should you part with your money.  You can go to the Scholarship Page, to find the link to the application portal.

You can check out other scholarship opportunities for Nigerian Students.

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My name is Queen! For five years, I have been actively involved in helping students get scholarship opportunities in Europe, the USA, and Canada. Currently, I am the Admin of